
Plan the care for a full day in a setting for a child aged 1 years. HELP!?

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Plan the care for a full day in a setting for a child aged 1 years. HELP!?




  1. Welcomed in...some settings have a system where child gets their name off peg, a photo off board of something like that.

    Play-maybe an adult planned activity-including outdoor time.


    Play-in or outdoors.

    Wash and change


    Quieter play to allow food to digest.

    Nap or more quiet play.


    More Play

    Home Time!

    Obviously this may change per setting as they may have group times, outdoor activities, visits else where or something! Also settings may change 'nap time policy' depending on if they let children sleep when they want, go by parents routine or have a set nap time...same with snacks. Nappy changing as and when needed.

  2. activities could include

    condensed milk finger painting (food colouring added)

    having a bath of beans

    water play

    treasure baskets

    remember to mention what you would do it children have disabilities or allergies.

    Look at what the day care standards say you should be doing and the birth to three guidance - they can be found online.

    Mention all the policies you should have in place and what emergency procedures are in place.

    Good luck

  3. If you are trying to plan a day's worth of activities for a one year old... factor in alot of sleeping, diaper changes, and feeding for the most part.

    One year olds aren't really that demanding and can be taken care of with a minimum of work on your part as far as entertaining goes. They are still alot of hard work for just the care and feeding but they tend to be pretty easy to keep happy for a day.

    Have a safe area for crawling and exploring. Some things that are safe to chew on for a little one that age, Be prepared to play on the floor so wear comfortable clothes. Have a area set up for sleeping and naps and make sure you know what the mom is doing for feeding. Some parents have really strict diets for kids at that age.

    And if he/she cries don't freak out. That's still how they get us to pay attention to them at that age. Just try to figure out if there is something that needs to be done-feeding, changing, burping, nap time, or if the little one just wants attention or just is missing familiar patterns and sounds from a normal day.

    Just remember, no shaking a baby and put them to sleep on their backs. Even at one year old, that's still important.

    Good luck.

  4. 8.30 child arrives, have some toys already out

    9.00 toast and cows milk

    9..30 another activity

    10.30 nappy changing- then nap

    11.30 wake up, singing and clapping games

    12.00 lunch milk

    1.00 another activity/ go for a walk

    2.00 nap if required

    3.00 snack and drink

    4.00 nappy into an activity-

    5.00 story books - calm down time

    5.30 tea time

    if this is for a childcare unit, make sure u expand on everything- have like a paragraph on each item above, change it round if ya like. This is prob for a daycare setting, if ya need to expand include waking-bottle/breakfast/wash dressed... and bath time and bed time make sure u include lots of cuddles so it devolps the child securites and u can prob link this to birth to three matters.

  5. sorry i can't understand your question

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