
Plane food?

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why is plane food so gross whats in it that does this why just why is it some form of torture?




  1. Unfortunately airline food is all precooked and then reheated on the aircraft like you'd do at home with a TV dinner.  Very few TV dinners are any good as you know.  Also unfortunate is the fact that the caterers that prepare it have to try to satisfy the tastes of a huge number of people so it tends to end up on the bland side.  


    Since a lot of airlines have started charging extra for food and drinks you'd be better off packing a lunch at home and bringing it with you.


    One the best and most sensible meals I ever had on an airplane was a lunch on a London to Amsterdam flight on KLM,  which by the way was handed to you in a bag when you boarded.  It consisted of a sandwich, a bag of chips, and an apple.  Good enough and hard to s***w up.


  2. Fly private jets----The caterers we use can be very expensive, but you tell us what you want and we'll have it on board and it will be very high quality.

  3. your probibly going on southwest or northwest, international flights on united airlines first class has wine and fancy food.

  4. Plane food? Now that's an oxymoron.

  5. They do their best.

  6. it's mass produced and often been frozen.

    a new theory is that it's not the food but:

    According to nutritionists,

    The real problem with eating on a plane is not the way the food is cooked. It has to do with where and how you are eating it--at an altitude of 30,000 feet. At that height, the human digestive system changes the way it processes food, making it difficult to work off the intake of too much fat and too many carbohydrates.

  7. because it is made up hours before the flight and they only pay a couple of pennys per meal
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