
Planes and the noise they make?

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for god sake there is sooo much technology out there why cant they just put complete sound proof around the plane so we wouldnt have to listen to the planes engine for 24 hours when i went to australia i could still here the noise of the engine in my ear after 2 weeks. but anyway it would be so much more relaxing wouldnt. any answers?




  1. Consider buying some noise-canceling headphones. The extensive overhauls required to cancel all outside noise would be expensive and add much too much unnecessary weight. Not to mention the balancing of the aircraft would need to be re-evaluated and as a result the entire seating arrangement. Let me assure you that in the coming years engineers will be addressing cabin noise reduction, but noise-canceling headphones is the best immediate resolution.

  2. it's not that hard to block out and ignore.  i don't even notice the noise on a 60 min flight.

  3. Bring an mp3 player or iPod with decent headphones. You'd barely hear the engine.

    Besides, the plane (er..more the staff) is providing you with a substantial service by taking you places; the noise is not that bad.

  4. If you're still complaining riding in a pressurized jumbo jet: wait till you ride in a small airplane or helicopter with unpressurized cabin.

  5. You're nearing  the air's friction with the aircraft much more than you're hearing jet blast.

  6. I enjoy the sounds of the planes.

  7. Soundproofing materials can greatly increase the weight of the airplane, and keeping the weight down is very important in something that flies, because every extra bit of weight requires more fuel and more engine power.  A soundproofed airplane might be quiet but it wouldn't carry very many passengers or very much baggage, which means it would make less money for airlines.

    Part of the noise you hear is indeed the engines, but part of it is also wind noise.  You're moving at hundreds of miles an hour, and at those speeds, just the sound of wind rushing past the airplane is pretty loud.  You get the same effect in a car when you drive at high speed on the highway, but a plane is going ten times faster, and so the noise is louder.  Soundproofing could help with this, but again, it makes the airplane heavier (and thus less efficient and profitable).

    One of the best soundproofing materials is lead sheet, but obviously lead is so heavy that it would be completely impractical to install it aboard an airplane.  It would be quiet, but it would never get off the ground.

  8. Soundproofing is expensive and - even worse - heavy. That means it's expensive every time you fly because you have to drag it around with you. Some aircraft are inherently quieter than others. The aft end of a DC-9 is known for its annoying noise levels. Most aircraft with engines under the wings are quieter in the cabin than those with aft fuselage mounts.  

    Engineers are working constantly to reduce cabin noise - I think you will see future improvements in that area.

  9. Sit  between a screaming baby and a 450# guy with swamp ***..... you'll never even think about the plane noise.

  10. The ability to muffle noise is actually available, much like military and police helicopters use "whisper" mode.

    The problem is fuel consumption doubles when in use.

  11. too heavy.

    too expensive.

    and it's not just the engines -- ever sit in the front seat of a jet with tail-mounted engines?  it's the sound of air moving over the fuselage.

    Bose has a good solution for that.

  12. If it is important to you, then ask where the quietest seats are on the plane model you will be flying.  It is a fairly common question and may be available on line.   If the engines are under the wings, then usually the quietest seats are over the wing with a very bad view of the ground.  An aisle seat should be quieter than a window seat.

      And sound canceling earphones, even if you are not listening to anything, produce an amazing result.  Bose are the easiest to try out at a Bose store, but expensive ($250+)

  13. Most people do not find it bothersome to that extent.  There are some medical conditions that make a person acutely sensitive to noise, and it sounds like you may have that problem.  Medical treatment is available, and you just need to see your doctor.

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