
Planet earth as on 2108?

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Planet earth as on 2108?




  1. is 2108 the new 2012 phenominon? is this forum going to be loaded with absurd myths about 2108 instead of 2012? well, nothing special is going to happen in 2108 as far as we know. if this is some absurd internet/chainmail apocolyptic myths, then i can safely say we will be fine.

  2. thinking s/hes asking what earth will be like 100 years from now...2008+100=2108..good call people

  3. Oh goodness, please don't tell me the Mayans came back and made another calendar...

  4. Are you asking if there will be a planet earth in 2108?

    Yes, I think there will still be an Earth in 2108.

  5. transhumanism

    there are some far fetched ideas out there, but I'm only going to use techs we can actually see growing right now. these are real ideas and techs that are beginning to blend with humans as we speak

    I'll only consider these since they are real and I expect them to grow at an EXPONENTIAL rate!!

    from there things will change so much and we'll be on a completely different playing field and all the rules will change

    not to mention, considering how enzyme folding and/or dna manipulation will change the way our bodies can change without hardware implants

    robots? sure,

    but consider a suit made to fit you but it was a robot instead.

    kind of like Iron Man but a whole lot more kick @ss and smart.

    I think we can expect humans to blend with these techs  pretty quickly and once we do. EVERYTHING will change. we might not even worry about things that we're worried about today.

    you may think I am the future.... but you're wrong.....

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