
Planet of the Apes and Evolution?

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In what way is the movie Planet of the Apes related to evolution?




  1. There were other primates besides homo sapiens that had intelligence and culture.  The planet of the apes are similar to Neandertals, only the planet of the ape dudes were smarter.  It relates to evolution in the fact that in the past there was a great variety of highly evolved primates, like homo robustus, homo habulas, homo erectus, for example

  2. Planet of the Apes, regarless of which version you prefer, is about sociology, not evolution.

  3. If you mean the series of movies, there was the "death of the pets" so apes were selected to replace dogs and cats. Then came genetic engineering to increase their intelligence. Somehow humans became primitive and mute while apes developed their own civilization.

    One could argue that this showed evolution by filling ecological niches (pets) and the change in a species (apes becoming intelligent) The devolution of humans doesn't represent any evolutionary event.

    Frankly it's fantasy. Buy the large popcorn and enjoy the show

  4. Marginally!

  5. Thats funne. "related"  ha ha

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