
Planet x Nibiru.2012 big thing to happen.Has anyone heard this kind of stuff?

by Guest66633  |  earlier

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This thing spreading in the internet nowadays.Does anyone know about these things and know if its real or fake,please tell me.




  1. According to the ancient Sumerians it's a tenth planet. I've got this list before when I did research about this topic. Too bad I forgot to list down the source. Anyway, here is the list of Sumerian solar system (our term & their term):

    1. Mercury -- Mummu

    2. Venus -- Lahamu

    3. Earth -- Ki

    4. Mars -- Lahamu

    5. Jupiter -- Kishar

    6. Saturn -- Anshar

    7. Uranus -- Anu

    8. Neptune -- Ea

    9. Pluto -- Gaga

    10. and a mysterious celestial body known as Marduk or Nibiru

    Thousands of years before telescopes had been invented, the Sumerians had already defined the solar system. In their solar system,there are 12 members (including Apsu or the Sun, and Kingu or the Moon). They named 10 planets as listed above. Nibiru is the 10th. X means the Roman numeral for 10, thus Planet X. It is this tenth planet that is making some noise. Sumerians refer to it as a celestial body that rendezvous into space and completes its cycle every 3600 years. Many believe it to be a comet. Never was it mentioned that it will be near Earth on 2012. I believe it got mixed up with the Mayan date or something.

    I hope this helps.

    (addl.note-march 11, '08): Planet X is a term that has been given by certain individuals in reference to the 10th planet only recently. It is a sort of a code perhaps but basically the meaning is still the same--10th Planet.

  2. There is nothing to this.  No such thing as Nibiru.  2012 is nonsense.

    Doesn't it upset you when you're fooled by some internet tricksters, as you were in this case?

  3. Its all very fascinating, but I don't think much will happen.

  4. According to  NASA ..

    Nibiru or Planet X  has been observed on its  "coming back phase"..which takes  aprox. 2600 years.. it comes into our solar system  and  leaves  back on its orbit out side our system. on 2012 it will come  close to our sun.

    The US  has  constructed  a  Telescope in Antarctica to monitor its  movement.

  5. There is no planet Nibiru.  It's a mistranslation of the ancient Summarian word for Jupiter.  There are no 'rogue' planets, no Nibiru, no planet X.  If there were anything in our solar system anywhere near the size of a planet, we would have detected it long ago - either by the light it reflects or it's gravitational influence on other bodies.  That's how we knew Pluto was there years before we found it.  And that was at least 50 years ago.  

    Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen in 2012.  The Sun is undergoing a pole shift, but it does that every 22 years and no one ever notices beside the scientists.

  6. I'm hoping eri is right!

  7. there is a planet X

    and there is other planets out there no one has complete proof of this

    You can't just say Real or Fake and have the right answer

    Its 50-50

    Many people belive it and I do

    No matter how many times someone says Fake

    Believe what you believe

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