
Planet x what do you think?

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My brother came to me telling me about this planet x and what it could be and was telling me that serpent alines came to make humans. some resurch went into this and i came to the conclusion that it might be an unborn star




  1. I'm sorry, but as a professional astronomer, I do not think of Planet X at all, as I know, and can prove to you if you have college higher maths to understand the proofs why it cannot exist.

  2. Jeez, I didn't know that people still talk about Planet X O_o

    And by the way that serpent making humans thing is dabbling dangerously close to scientology.

  3. Planet X is originally the idea of Nancy Lieder, a woman who claims to be in telepathic contact with aliens from Zeta Reticuli.  She predicted it would damage or affect the Earth in 2003.  Oops.

    Another prediction comes from that world renowned scholar of Mesopotamian culture, Zecharia Sitchin.  He claimed that the Earth has been invaded by beings from a planet he calls Nibiru.  This planet follows a 3,600 year orbit round the Sun.  During one of its later visits to the inner solar system the inhabitants invaded Earth and created it's human inhabitants by breeding apes.  These they forced to mine gold for them.

    Those who predict disaster (or something) for December 2012 (according to the nonsense about the Mayan calendar) know that having two different mystery planets invading the inner solar system in the same few years would strain the credibility of even the most stupid, ignorant and gullible.  So they have combined Planet X and Nibiru into one mystery planet.  

    Get the idea?

  4.   Planet "X" is too far out a theory,ignore it,it will go away.

  5. Planet X is just another hoax. It does not exist. There are many websites that have nonsense on them.

  6. IRAS did not find anything close to the solar system, the initial observations were later found to be distant galaxies (we're talking million of light years distance here). But the producer of the video do not want to hear that because that would kill off their lucrative business of making fake documentaries for gullible people.

    Tell you brother to get an education and to stop watching c**p, that is rotting his mind.

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