
Planned Parenthood Made Me Feel Horrible About My Sexual Assault?

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was treated for an STD that I caught after a sexual assault at Planned Parenthood.

I did not feel welcome there. First off the clinician said "Don't worry. You could only get HIV if he had like a ton of C U M on his finger" Shouldn't they not be using that word?

Also, after my pelvic exam was done, the clinician said "You better be thankful she did that, you know. She didn't have to do that. She did it to save her a$$.

Also, I said " I was sexually assaulted when a man put his finger into my v****a." and they quoted me as saying "fingered me in" And they wrote "Advised HIV test for coitus unprotected". I never said I had unprotected coitus. (Like I said before, it was a digital penetration)

Also, they checked off a bunch of things in the "counseling/education" section that they never discussed with me. They said they discussed safer s*x, emergency contraception, and all kinds of things. Did they do that to just cover themselves, "Save their A$$" like the clinician said?

My v****a is scarred from the treatment. I called their office today and asked to have my record corrected and explained the misquotations and inaccuracies. They stated that I would need to call the "Planned Parenthood higher up" at her main office. They refused to correct my record. However, don't I need the actual clinician that made the misquoations to correct it?

Do you think the Planned Parenthood Higher-up will be more respectul and understand my concerns? Should I tell her how she said "Save Her A$$" Isn't that rude to say to patients?

I used to go to a private practice gynecologist. She was so incredibl respectful and always uses professional terms. She always answers all the questions I have. They treat me like a human being. I also found out that because I don't qualify for Medicaid, the treatment I got at Planned Parenthood costs the same as a private practice gynecologist. I am going back to my gynecologist.

Are my concerns warranted? Am I weird for expecting more professional terms than C U M and Save Her A$$

What should I tell the Higher-Up? Should she be concerned that they are checking things off that they never discussed? I am educated on those issues, but do you think they do that to young girls that may not be educated?




  1. I've had similar experiences with free medical care.

    The quality of the care is so bad you wish you never

    went. I would say you ought to pursue it so maybe

    the next person can benefit... it won't help you, but

    you would be doing your community a favor.

    Don't try to go thru the same agency (PP) they will

    only try to cover their A$$... go to a seperate organization

    of some sort so the affair becomes a public issue.

    If that doesn't work, go to the media, and tell the

    story to them. They will keep your identity private.

    Sorry this happend to you, you deserved better.



  2. You need to explain to the higher up exactly as what you stated here.  

  3. First off sorry about the whole think I know it just sucks and you were upset and this didn't help in any way shape or form!!!!!!!!!!!!  Second, her using the word c u m, sometimes medical people use terms that are more lax.  They look at you or have a cert client tell and just use terms that aren't professional or they just try to "dumb it down" and get it to a leave were they have to do the least explaining.  In no way is this ok, and when they hurt your story they should have be more nice!  As for them just checking a bunch of c**p that was never went over, they might have know that it had nothing to do with why you were in there in the beginning.  Doesn't make it right but still, But I would contact the uppers and tell them of their p**s poor services!!!! As for your records to be honest they will not change them.  And you going back to old GYN is prob the best!! Good luck    

  4. Lacy Abby Latrice, Latrice Hope,

    Guess your other accounts have been blocked! Get a life and stop repeat posts on here it buries other peoples posts who are actually looking for answers. I do not know if you have something against planned parenthood but it sure does seem like it.

  5. I've answered a couple of your previous questions on this subject, but I just want to state again for the record that I think you are right to be angry, that they didn't behave professionally enough, and that you should pursue your complaint.

    I also think that after a sexual assault you should investigate the possibility of getting some counselling or therapy, because it really does help, and the sooner the better.

    I wish you well.

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