
Planned parenthood question

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i just applied for medicaid on monday cuz im pregnant and have no insuranc.while im waiting for that to be approved i have a temporary medicaid card.will planned parenthood let me come in and do an exam and ultrasound to see if the baby is ok?im 7 and a half weeks




  1. planned parenthood dosen't offer that. atleast not in s florida. the best thing to do is call around to diff. ob's  some will take you with temp, medicaid, also try your local heath department that is what i did until i found a doc that would take me .

  2. If they do you will have to have proof showing that you are going to be getting a medical card before they will take you. If you do not have this then they might ask you for payment for the visit.

  3. It depends on where you live, I know that the Planned Parenthoods in Central Florida don't do ultrasounds.  Some do, so you will have to see if that's even offered at your local one.  They aren't free.  Also Planned Parenthood and other similar clinics dont accept medicaid, since they are non profit agencies mostly and not doctor's clinics.  I wanted an ultrasound as well, while I was waiting for my medicaid to be approved and I ended up googling abortion clinics in my local area and found one that would do an ultrasound to determine the age of the baby and to make sure it was alive and ok for 60 dollars.  They thought it was a nice change of pace to have someone there that was excited to see the baby lol...  I would totally recommend it.

  4. :)

    Planned parenthood is for the PREVENTION of birth\pregnancy.

    They will only give you an ultra sound if you are pregnant and want an abortion to find out how far along you are and to completly confirm the pregnancy.

    you'll have to wait til you go to the doctor.  If you ahve a teporary card make an appointment.  It will still cover it.

  5. If you plan on keeping the baby, you  might want to go somewhere where they wouldn't rather abort the child and tie your tubes.  

  6. It depends on the clinic.  The Planned Parenthood I go to would do an exam but not ultrasound.  They also do take Medicaid (which I think most do.)  Go to and look up the one in your area.  They should list the services they offer.  If you have a temp card, you should also be able to go to a doctors office.

  7. Call them tomorrow and make an appointment. They will help you with what you need, or direct you to a clinic that can help you now. They are NOT all about preventing pregnancy, or abortion.  

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