
Planned parenthood? too young to go?

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I'm taking my sister there today to get on BC. First my mom was against it and tried saying things like "why? So if shes on it she can think she'll get away with having s*x at her age opposed to not being on it?" So I convinced her by asking "would u rather her not be on it and find out she gets pregnant? Or have her be on it whether or not shes going to be doing anything like that?" minus the fact that my mom ALREADY knows my sister lost her virginity last year (age 14) But now my dad is flipping out he still doesnt know those details so he thinks my sisters so innocent and pure. But he thinks shes too young. Considering the growing records of teen pregnancy specially around that age... whether your child is or isnt having s*x wouldn't you rather have them protected? and since neither of my parents are going to take responsiblity i feel like i should so she doesnt take the same path I did. what do you think?




  1. i definitely think she should go. i should have. i was dumb and got pregnant when i was 13. so i would definitely take can do it without your parents knowing.

  2. I would take her, It is better to take her then for her to end up pregnant

  3. i think you are a very caring sister.

    however, you should take the time to speak to your sister about s*x.  teach her about respecting herself.  tell her that just because she is no longer a virgin that she doesn't have to do it with every man she dates. teach her about using condoms as well.

    i started at 15.  i also had really wrong ideas.  i thought just because u have a boyfriend u soppose to have s*x and let them touch you sexually. seriously, i wish i had someone to teach me about self respect.  so make sure your sister knows it.

    good luck

  4. I think you are definitely doing the right thing. You are taking protection for your sister, and i completely agree with you!

  5. I agree 100%. I got pregnant at 15 and your right - I wasn't the only one in the school having s*x. I think that you are taking the right step. As parents I think that it is hard for us to believe that our cute, young, innocent (or so we think) children are talking about let alone actually having s*x. Better safe then sorry. I would just make sure that I explained to her about STD's -sometimes those are scarier then being pregnant and women think that being on birth control is enough.

  6. I agree with the first answer.

    You sound like a very caring, protective sister and your parent should feel lucky that you are there for your sister.

  7. it's better to take the safe road sometimes. putting her on birth control would give a high chance of her not getting pregnant, but birth control has no protection against std's. if you still choose to put her on birth control, make sure you talk to her about the risks of s*x period.

  8. i agree talk to your sister and see how she feels

  9. Easy...if your sister is having s*x she needs to be on birth control.  It isn't 100% effective, but at least she will have some sort of protection.  If my child was having s*x I would march their hind ends to a doctor (for a girl, you can't just grab birth control off a shelf) or to a drugstore (for a guy) and get them some form of birth control.

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