
Planning a CA vacation?

by Guest21242  |  earlier

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and I want to know when the risk for earthquakes & forest fires are minimal in CA with moderate temperatures?

Also good shopping sites-I know I want to go to the Candies Outlet in Anaheim. Other suggestions are welcome!




  1. I take it you mean southern California.

    There really isn’t a time of year that is a low risk for earthquakes and there isn’t a way to predict them. It seems that we have one every few months or so, but they are usually small and occur all over so you don’t always feel them. I’m 48 years old and with the exception of a couple of short periods of time, I have lived here since I was born so I have been through several, but don’t really give them much thought.

    You will be safe from wildfires, with the exception of a couple of small areas, along the coast south of Malibu all the way to the Mexican border all year round. Don’t let the thought of wild fires stop you from being adventurous. The news will keep you informed where they are if we have any. The ones we are having right now are far from LA County. The county of Los Angeles covers a huge area, so what happens in one part usually doesn’t affect other parts too much.

    Temperatures are moderate anywhere along the coast. West facing beaches are cooler than south facing beaches. Anaheim is very hot in the summer. There are places to shop everywhere, but if you are looking for bargains in clothing the garment district in LA is great. It is in the heart of downtown and not the place to go if you cannot handle intense traffic, tall buildings and people everywhere. Hope you have a great time.

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