
Planning a green wedding? Share your story for a Green Wedding Guidebook!?

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If you have had or are planning a green wedding, and you'd be interested in being featured in a Green Wedding Guidebook, please contact me!

The book is being written by Corina Beczner, founder of, and will be published by Sierra Club next year. We're looking for people who've had or are planning green weddings, who can share their stories.

Please let me know if you'd like to be featured!

Many blessings,





  1. Typical of a lot of couples getting married these days, almost all of our families and friends would have to travel to attend our wedding.  As we felt having them with us on our special day was very important, we decided to make every other bit of the wedding as green as possible.  We were married on September 23, 2007 - and the wedding weekend was wonderful.  I'd love to share - even considered doing a blog a the topic and have posted to several wedding-type websites.  I'll email you directly and we'll go from there.

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