
Planning on having an affair...?

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My husband and I have been together for about eight years now; married for just over two of those years. Our relationship is happy, loving, and secure, but it isn't passionate at all.

About five years ago I had a very brief fling with an incredibly s**y man. We went our separate ways almost as quickly as we got together, and hadn't spoken to each other again until recently.

He now lives halfway across the country, but his family is still in the area. He's planning on coming back to visit in a couple of months, and we've discussed getting together while he's in town.

I desperately want to have incredible, wild, crazy, no-strings s*x with him. In fact, I would be perfectly content to never leave his hotel room the whole time he's in town.

I know that just because I want to hook up with him while he's in town doesn't mean that I love my husband any less. I love our life together; but there's no more heat between the sheets (and not for lack of trying). I also know that I won't feel any guilt for taking a tumble, probably because I know that I'm not going to "fall in love" with this guy.

What do you think? Would you do it if you were me?




  1. If your so horny why not let your husband know what you want to do. Maybe he will join in. Then you can get some from both ends. I guess if that's the life you want, go for it. I wouldn't.

  2. No, I wouldn't do it if I were you.  What would your husband think of the idea?  I recommend presenting it to him and ask his thoughts.  Certainly he's aware of the issues between the sheets that you've mentioned.  If you're going to do it you should be honest with him so that he has the opportunity to decide whether or not he wants to live with your infidelity.

  3. As long as you don't fall in love with the guy

  4. How could you live with yourself! You made the moral decision to be married, a promise to yourself to be faithful to one man. Did that promise mean nothing to you? I am not trying to be hollier than thou, we all have temptations, but I think you should remove that temptation and never speak to that man again or get a divorce since you cannot keep your promise.

  5. what goes around comes around!!!!

    buleeedat !!!!!!!!

  6. Wrong place to put the question: people here are very judgmental, they won't give you advice, they are going to call you names.

    I think I would get a divorce and try to find happiness with one man who can satisfy me in every aspect. Life is too short, think about it. Your husband deserves a chance for happiness too.

  7. If you love your life with your husband then why are you risking it all just for s*x? Think about that one.

  8. go for it

    it will make you more satisfied at home

    just dont get caught

    as i get older my it is hard for me to moralize over people, there are 10 sides to every story

    be careful though

    my wife and I of ten years split for a lack of passion

    no ther reason. no affairs, no hate

    just didnt want to live like that anymore

  9. To h**l with being 'moralistic'.

    If your in it to get your daily dose of orgasms and it doesn't impact upon your real life then what have you got to lose?

    You're aware of the consequences and apparently are willing to accept them.

    So be it.

  10. you do what you think is right....but if you have to post a question, deep down you know its wrong. that is just my opinion.

  11. "I also know that I WON'T FEEL ANY GUILT for taking a tumble, probably because I know that I'm not going to "fall in love" with this guy."

    So it is all about you huh? The last I checked. It isn't.

    You deserve what Karma will bring back to you.

  12. if u hide it from your husband.. you know its bad.. why would u b such an idiot and hurt him..... YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!

  13. I'm one of the few, but....

    Go for it.  I like the fact that you know it isn't going to turn into a love affair. A good ol' romp in the sack, a mutual scratching of an itch isn't the end of the world.

    You sound level headed enough to keep the emotion away from the physical.

    What hubby doesn't know won't hurt him.

    And YES, I feel the same about my steady girlfriend.  Have fun, don't get hurt and I really don't want to know about it.  Only IF you can live with yourself, dear.

    PS  Oddly, I would not pursue a physical affair,  I know myself too well, and would be found out.  I wouldn't want to hurt my GF.

  14. You are whats wrong in this world . You think your really cool teaching kids that read this c**p dont you . Hope you get STDs .

  15. Ask your husband what he thinks about this since it will be no big deal.  

  16. I would stop being such a disgusting tramp.

  17. Ask your husband how he feels about it. Ask if he'd mind if you took a tumble with an incredibly s**y man  for the weekend. Tell your husband it doesn't mean that you love him  any less, but you desperately want to have incredible, wild, crazy, no-strings s*x with someone else.

    See what he thinks!

  18. If that was me i wouldn't have f*cked around on my husband in the first place cause I'm not a w***e like you and i respect my vows.

    If you loved your husband you wouldn't be s******g around with other men.

  19. You sound like a B***H in heat.

    You asked.

  20. ever thought of s*x therapy with your HUSBAND

  21. Can we get together?

  22. You are a knuckle head. peak brained, mindless.

    If you want to s***w around you should file divorced.

    when you become single and a avaluable again than you can even have s*x on the street and no one care.

    this is not of may business, but how many kids do you have? Which one of your kid is your husband kid.

    Because you may have to let the kid know whom is the real father

  23. I think you should invite your husband to the hotel room so he can watch.  Let him see how a real man takes care of his wife.  If he is not into that, then just plan a business trip for that month and enjoy each others company.  Good luck.

  24. I think you have your answer...and I think you know what to do...look at all of the responses here. are a selfish self centerd ho. Poor hubby....I cant imagine how this would make him feel...actually, I can....cuz my wife got caught...and it hurt me unlike any orher pain I have ever experienced...I filed for divorce...and now she is left on her own...on the streets with no money left and  wiht these losers she decided to cheat with and no wehre else to go. She thought it was worth it until she lost it she is just left with her stupid decisions and no caring man to love her...and no kids...they are wiht me what a choice that was that she made.

    Dont do it....if you do...I hope you get caught and lose it all! 20 minutes of pleasure in bed is not worth losing a lifetime of great family memories

  25. I think your a s***k that has no morals.

    I wouldn't cheat on my husband. Your selfish and undeserving of him.

  26. You are really messed up. You really don't know what love is.Surprise your husband with all that pinned up passion you have. Be careful because it sounds to me that if your husband found out there will be lots of women waiting in the wings to have a chance to have your loving secure husband if you f--k this marriage up.

  27. WOW, you sure are brave to ask this sort of question..........i can almost guarantee you will be ripped to shreds.

    On you your question.............How would YOU feel if YOUR husband (whom you claim to love so much) did the exact same toYOU?  If there is no passion in your marriage - YOU and YOUR HUSBAND need to put it back.

    Think very carefully before you act................

  28. No because unlike you I have morals.....

  29. Have you no morals? Do you not love and respect your husband? you total fool whats wrong with you? hope your a gambler coz if I was your husband I'd kick ya out!

  30. Just be lucky that the you are getting some. If I had a no strings attached female to hook up with I would be in a great mood. It is usually happens the other way around with the man running stray. He may even have another women.  

  31. okay...I hope your husband finds out and leaves you . That is so disgusting. w***e

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