
Planning to become a Vegetarian?

by Guest60138  |  earlier

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So I want to become a vegatarian, right? Tho it looks hard, but at the same time, it looks easy. What Can't and Can I eat? (I'm aware that I can't meat, obviously) But like is there anything in particular? Can i eat seafood? Like fish? I can still eat cheese and drink milk, right? Please Help. Thank You!




  1. Fish are animals..vegetarians do not eat animals.  You can eat dairy if you choose to but you need to avoid slaughter by products that are in several dairy products (like animal rennet and gelatin)

    Ignore the first post. No vegetarian eats poultry or fish.

  2. no meat,egg,or fish.....


    good luck

  4. what you should and shouldnt eat should be up to you

    if your becoming a vegetarian because you feel the way we get our meat is inhumane then id suggest staying away from most things from meat to cheese. it all comes down to how strongly you feel about vegetarianism. i have friends who are vegetarian but still eat meat from places that ensure the animals are treated humainly up to their death. sounds nastey but in their minds it makes it more sane.

  5. Nice resolution.

    First, you must be very carefull to eat your proteins because meat has proteins and when non-vegetarians turn vegetarians they become protein deficient. This is the biggest challenge while converting. So, please take pills or protein rich diet when you start.

    Second, Vegetarian eat ony veggies. You can't eat sea food in any form. You can eat eggs and all dairy products. (vigans don't)

  6. it's not really hard to be a vegetarian.

    it's hard to be a vegan.

    vegetarians can eat eggs, drink milk, eat cheese, etc.

    i've heard of some eating fish.

    some people consider them to be vegetarians and some dont.

    vegans dont eat or drink any of that which is a lot harder.

    and yes you can drink cranberry juice.

    but you need to watch out for candy with gelitan and red 40 in the ingrediants. or so i've heard.

    so instead if candy i would stick with chocolate.


    hope that helped.

  7. It's depending on why you are going vegetarian. If you are doing it for health benefits, then you may be able to eat poultry and fish, but most abstain from all meat.

    I'm a vegetarian and I eat cheese. I drink soy milk and eat free-range eggs. I don't eat any poulty, fish..etc..

    Veganism is a whole different story.

    Basically, it just depends on your own personal convictions about the issue. If you decide to eat fish, go for it. If you decide to eat no animal by-products, abstain.

    There is no official code of ethics that all vegetarians are obligated to follow. Make it your own. Follow your convictions.

  8. all vegetarians are different. some eat white meat, but don't eat red-but they still call themselves vegetarians. some eat seafood, and again call themselves vegetarians. some eat and drink dairy products but don't eat eggs or any flesh foods, but still call themselves the v-word. some veg-heads are occasional meat eaters (like in social situations where no alternatives are available).

    vegetarians who eat no meat or animal by-products what-so-ever are called vegans. vegetarians who eat eggs but no other animal products or by-products are called ova-vegetarians (or ovarians). vegetarians who eat dairy products but not eggs or meats are called lacto-vegetarians (or lactarians). the vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy products are called lacto-ova-vegetarians (or simply put-lactovarians). to each person, the term vegetarian is as definitive as the word "bad."

    the truth is that yes, vegetarianism can be difficult due to the constant having to combine the right foods to achieve the correct amino acid palate for our bodies to metabolize, but once you get started, it becomes second nature-you don't even think about it at all. in all actuality it is up to the person to make it either easy or hard on themselves to be a vegetarian, and most do so by adopting a "holier-than-thou" approach to meat eaters than many find offensive (it is often reffered to as a "veggier-than-thou" perspective). as a vegetarian, you have to fight for what you believe in, but you can't start arguments because you believe that you are right. you have to respect other's decisions and also work around those decisions to get what you want.  

    one thing that i remember when i first became a vegetarian is that i felt like i was going to pass out a lot, and after i lindsay lohanned a couple of times, i finally realized that i wasn't eating enough. the majority of the caloric intake for a meat eater is in the meat that they eat, and since i had stopped eating the meat, i had lost probably half of my daily calories. so after i had realized that, i began to eat more, and although i was eating more, i lost almost ten pounds and gained a more toned physique (and considering i had long suffered the battle of the bulge, i was ecstatic).

    the thing to remember is to combine the correct types of foods to get the amino acids that your body needs. they are to combine grains and dairy (if you choose to consume dairy), grains and legumes, and legumes and seeds. you combine these and you will be just fine. but one thing to remember-when in doubt, eat beans. yes, the old childhood rhyme does make one cringe at the thought of a diet ladden full of these, but in actuality, once you eat more of them, your body becomes accustomed and doesn't produce as much gas compared to the occasional bean eater.

    if you have any questions, feel free to contact me! and congratulations on your choice.

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