
Plans to build on UK Green Belt - wouldn't an alternative be better?

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This land was designated as Green Belt to help built-up areas deal with pollution. Now the government, arguing more (brick) houses are needed, are going to allow building on this land, doing away with the needs for conservation!

We have more and more cars, lorries etc., on the roads all belching out carcinogenic particles which people are breathing in... so surely, if anything, we need MORE GREENERY (with Trees) not less!

(If the government's strategy bothers you, and you feel there is a need for a viable alternative, please see the free-ebook at The need for conservation is detailed in Chapter 3: Architecture / Conservation and the alternative is described in the free download called: Project it).




  1. yes there is a better alternative send the immigrants home

    to sort out their own country and stop running away to somewhere that's worked as a community for thousands of years and is now slowly being disassembled

  2. They also tend to build on old steelworks sites and factory sites though generally i couldn't agree more with u.

  3. There are many reasons why we need more houses. We should be allowed to say that one reason is immigration.  To speak about immigration does not taint the question. It taints the question if we are told that we can talk about any subject other than immigration. However, immigration has been adequately dealt with by several other people.  I would like to mention the increase in breakdowns of marriage so that both husband and wife need a house. This is because of government policy in making divorce so easy. Also, people are leaving home earlier rather than living with their parents. The other reason is the bad behaviour and selfishness shown by the younger generation. All our children have left home and so we now have three empty bedrooms. But there is no way we are going to let any homeless people live in our house. They lie in bed until lunchtime and then come in drunk at 3am. If they agreed to show common respect for other people living in the house, I would try it but I am unlikely to find anyone who would agree. Also, it is so difficult to get rid of them. They stop paying the rent when you give them notice and then appeal to all the tribunals and don't finally move out for twelve months. There should be lots of studios and one-bedroom flats built instead of larger houses so that young people can get their foot on the housing ladder.

  4. I'd be more sympathetic to the government's plans if they would first ensure that all existing buildings are fully utilised, with those not needed for anything else being converted to residential use. Once that is done, or in tandem, utilise all existing brownfield sites for residential use. Enforce local authorities to sell off unused buildings, whomsoever the owner, for residential use. Then they could look at the remaining housing need. There probably wouldn't be much, but building new is easier than tackling the other problems.

  5. send all aliens back where they come easy is that.

  6. This practice of building on greenbelt is nothing new, before long there won't be any reason to move to the country because it will all be joined up with every town and city, and if no one believes me have at look at the map of Hertfordshire, much was green land now completely covered in housing, Stevenage an abysmal place, is now an extension of London and those outlying villages are being swallowed up in large wimpey style homes.

  7. a lot of green belt is low quality farmland.

    house prices in the Uk and especially the South East are completely unafforadable and we are still not building houses fast enough.

    Therefore I can not see any alternative but to allow building on the greenbelt in selected areas and good planning  control

  8. Getting friends, neighbors, others that you trust, etc together to vote against environmental destruction and you may be surprised in what a group of people can do, once they have their hearts and minds set on something. Then having all of you spread the word even to people in higher places so that may be able to greatly help out as well (After all most people deep down inside, care about this world and want to help secure a beautiful world for us all and all future generations). Perhaps in spreading the word some one may be found that is high enough (With enough power) that could even help you to create advertisements in the news-paper, create pamphlets to staple on posts, phoning others, through the net, or maybe even advertising on a local TV/Radio station, etc.

    There are also many unused and open areas where trees, shrubs, bushes, etc could be planted and it could also be a good idea to introduce points system to cities known as "Green Points" where points are awarded to those who do helpful tasks for the environment and even having more greenery in there back and front yards.  Along with schools and businesses, etc having a healthy amount of plants in there rooms, offices, etc.  Having more environmentally friendly products, etc and the people who reach and exceed a certain amount of "Green Points" each month will get a reward of some sorts that will make it worth there while.

    Even creating a project/speech may help out by letting others know what your cause truly means to you, and why it should be addressed. I am sure that you will be able to find a lot of people who will be willing to help you out in this and other future events. Just remember to stand up for what you believe in and even if worse comes to worse then you and others can still have the power to prevent other unwanted events from happening in the future since their are tons of people out their who care and will be willing to help in situations like yours as well as many other events/situations. Just keep a record/info of all your contacts so that if anything else comes up, you will be able to have several people by your side in no time at all!! Again, best of luck and I hope that everything goes well.

    For hot weather, I would also recommend buying a few large oscillating fans and only turning them on when you are in that area of your house.

    You will find that the air will become cool and refreshing within virtually no time at all and that their will be a nice refreshing breeze.

    With this in mind there is no need to leave them on in any areas of your house where no one is present and you will find noticeable money savings and it will also aid the environment.

    Also, if businesses could have even some solar panels (Seen some great lightweight/highly flexible ones on the discovery channel years ago that are cost efficient, easy to install and collects a healthy amount of sunlight/energy).  There is Lots of empty roof and wall space not just for businesses but several other structures and buildings as well that can have these special solar panels) it would help in reducing energy needs as well as placing solar panels in open unused areas (Wind turbines as well). There are also several areas on the globe such as deserts (In areas where they would not get damaged), and so on where tons of solar panels can be placed and there are several areas where wind turbines can be placed also.

    Can people make their dreams/visions a reality?!!

    For the most part, I would have to say YES!!

    After all, several inventions and ideas were dreamed up and made into reality by many imaginative/innovative people (Quite a few who saw life differently then others, who continued onward no matter HOW many times their attempts failed, no matter HOW many times other people mocked them and tried to put them down-THANKFULLY they continued onward and emerged triumphant through it all so that quite a few people now have many marvels and wonders to behold, thanks to them). WONDERS that would have been far beyond peoples expectation even a couple hundred years ago, and if they were to look at all the marvels of our world today, most if not all from that era would be left with feelings of total AWE, WONDER, and even HORROR (Which I TRULY believe will not be the case a couple hundred years or so from now, since EVEN through it all, I believe enough people will STAND UP for themselves. Like those many people who THROUGHOUT history have CHANGED the face of the world in which we now live-who I admire to NO END, since they STOOD UP for what they believed in and TRULY made a difference to do their SHEER PASSION and DETERMINATION. I am INCREDIBLY confidant that even though there are SEVERAL horrific things going on in our era, that with SHEER PASSION and DETERMINATION we WILL make it through this so that ALL future generations will live in a TRULY united world where differences are ACCEPTED and even EMBRACED, so that NO ONE will EVER have to live in fear, no one will EVER have to live with DISEASE, HUNGER and so on, with ALL the horrors of the past being NOTHING but distant memories. A WORLD that would leave the people of today in TOTAL AWE, WONDER, and TRULY bring tears of joy to our eyes).

    People THROUGHOUT HISTORY have made MARVELOUS ACHIEVEMENTS that have TRULY changed the world that we live in. I will list but a few of the UNBELIEVABLE amount of wonders that have come from the INGENIOUS imaginations/thoughts, etc of some of these people that have made their ways into our lives; The wheel, Telephone, Light bulb, Television, Computers/Internet, Video games (YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!), many amazingly delicious, mouth watering foods/beverages (Bet I'm making you ALL quite hungry right about now!!), etc that have changed OUR lives!!

    Not to mention beautiful/innovative speeches, poems/poetry, books/novels, music, art and so on that have YET AGAIN been created by several people who have ACTED upon their DREAMS and VISIONS and came through it ALL with VIBRANT colours and have TRULY opened the HEARTS and MINDS of COUNTLESS people throughout HISTORY, the present, and yes the future as well (Embrace PEACE, LOVE, and UNDERSTANDING for a BETTER TOMORROW!!).

    If ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE has ANY visions/ideas that can help bring forth a BETTER LIFE (PEACE, LOVE, and UNDERSTANDING) for themselves, and others, then WORK TOWARD THESE VISIONS/IDEAS AND SO ON NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS TELL YOU AND NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY TO PUT YOU DOWN!!!!!!! VISIONS and IDEAS are what have bought SO MUCH UNDERSTANDING, AND WONDERS INTO OUR LIVES that our dreams MUST BE ACTED UPON, so I urge ALL OF YOU to reach for the stars and beyond, SUPPORTING OTHERS and HELPING those with BRILLIANT, IMAGINATIVE IDEAS (Even if they may seem odd) so that we can ALL move forward and create a world of TRUE AWE AND WONDER FOR MANKIND, the CREATURES, PLANTS AND PLANET ITS-SELF (I have SEVERAL helpful tips that are LITERALLY just a click away which will be GREAT for our planet!! Just click on the "SOLUTIONS FOR OUR PLANET/ ENVIRONMENT" heading in my blogs list and there will be links with several tips, many of which, saving money and the environment "Others that are more costly will also save money in the long run-with all of this leading to a healthier planet for us all). I urge ALL of you who are wanting a better life, STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!!!!!!!, DEFEND AND COMFORT THOSE WHO ARE BEING ABUSED, MISUNDERSTOOD, AND MISTREATED. After all, there are FAR MORE KIND HEATER PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD then there are cruel ones, so for those of you with KINDNESS, GET TOGETHER AS A GROUP WHEN YOU SEE OTHERS WHO NEED A HELPING HAND, OR JUST SIMPLY NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO, AND COMFORT THEM AND PROTECT THE INNOCENT FROM THOSE FEW THAT TRY TO PUT THEM DOWN!!!!!!! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG, and TOGETHER we will make an AMAZING FUTURE with SEVERAL POSITIVE CHANGES creating a NEVER ENDING SUPPLY of LOVE, PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR US ALL!! LET us strive to make these changes so that they can take effect even in OUR lifetimes. KEEP UP THE FAITH, and NEVER, I mean NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS, TURN TO OTHERS FOR COMFORT AND FOR SUPPORT ("ALL FOR ONE, and ONE FOR ALL" as the Musketeers would say!!), and we WILL EMERGE THROUGH THIS LIFE, TRIUMPHANT, making future generations look upon this era with PRIDE and NEVER ENDING GRATITUDE (For what we WILL accomplish!!). Let us ALL set a SOLID foundation so that ALL future generations may build upon it!!

    I believe that in the distant future (Around a thousand years or so from now-Perhaps even sooner then that) this will all lead to a world that is SOOOO WONDERFUL and AWE INSPIRING that it will TRULY be BEYOND, ANY OF OUR GREATEST IMAGINATIONS, VISIONS and HOPES!!

    So I can say FULL HEARTILY that YES I believe that for those who believe in THEIR DREAMS, AS WELL AS BELIEVING IN THE DREAMS OF OTHERS, AND ACTING UPON THEM, that THEY along with embracing PEACE, LOVE, and UNDERSTANDING, that they and us will be the MAIN driving force for an ever so WONDERFUL future.

    SO MARCH FORWARD, be sure to SPREAD the word to as many people as possible, and CONTINUE TO REACH FOR THE STARS AND BEYOND so that we may ALL live in a world of NEVER ENDING BEAUTY, WONDER AND MARVELS!!  

    I have lots of info that I think you will find quite helpful and enlightening:  for excellent inspirational info within my blog to help not only our world and its creatures, but to also open peoples hearts and minds to many amazing wonders that life has to offer.  I also have lots of info in my blog to help fuel peoples imaginations to many possibilities that can be found only in the minds eye.

    Along with lots of environmental info, amazing environmental pictures and videos (These videos show the beauty of this world and what life can be like if people take the time to appreciate life’s true beauty).

    Let us all strive for a greener/brighter future by helping to create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon, so we can hand them a beautiful world, filled with never ending awe and wonders!!

    Where peoples differences and uniqueness are accepted, where we all live as one, helping one another so that we can all play our own mysteriously beautiful melodies in the never ending, awe inspiring, song of life :-)

    I truly have faith in humanity and believe that someday our lives and the world in which we live will truly be transformed for the better.

  9. Perhaps start by checking what planning actually allows, and not believing all the right wing media hype (written by editors who all go back to their country estates at the weekend, to trash it with 4x4s, hunting...) about the green belt being concreted over. There will be some "new towns" in the south-east, but that is because for some obscure reason lots of people want to move there despite the high cost & overcrowding.

    Can I recomend checking the results of the Rural Housing Commission

    the planning controls brought in after WW2 have severly restricted development in the countryside.

    Outside the planning envolopes for each settlement only affordable developments are permitted (exception sites), and these are only for people with a connection to the village (section 106)

    Most developments within the green belt village boundaries are large houses for rich people from towns - certainly not for the average refugee/asylum seeker.

    No one will build for immigrants who arn't even in the country yet as some seem to assert - that does not make any politcal or economic sense.

    PS Modern methods of construction will actually use few bricks. building in factories from renewable materials can give better energy efficient performance.

    Properly planned modern communities can include suitable trees to provide bio-mass for community heating and reduce the ammount of traffic

  10. The best way is to stop immigration, If 10 people go out of the country 10 people can come in. Then we wouldent keep needing more and more houses.

  11. The government probably recognizes the need for more housing for the tens of thousands of Muslims that are pouring into (and actually being welcomed !!) the UK.  They have to live somewhere don't they?

  12. what do you meen ' will the anti immigrant brigade refrain from tainting your question? '   why do you think we are in trouble with housing shortages?  face facts PLEASE!!    if the government is going to let people flood in at the rate of 30.000 a month,  then we need to house these people.   that IS!! why were building on green belt   WE CANT FIND ANY MORE LAND TO FIT THEM IN!!!   sorry if that fact offends your secitivity  and isnt very PC friendly. but  you have to know whats broke before you can attempt to fix it.  does this dire sittuation the government has put our tiny little island in actualy! consirn you at all? or are you just trying to sell some thing?

  13. I agree, seeing as 80% of the population live in urban areas, I would say start building skyscrapers, you can make alot of living space in a 80 floor skyscraper.  Leave the rural areas alone, we like to live in peace and quiet.

  14. Less people, less buildings, less roads, less pollution.

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