
Plant and goldfish problems?

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I have two Fanfin Goldish and a live plant called a Hygrophila "Kompakt". The fish are fine but I've notice that they are starting to nibble at the plant, trying to take pieces off of the leaves. I'm not sure if this is good or bad, can someone help?

They started doing this today after I fed them.




  1. goldfish are omnivores so its fine

    they will likely demolish the whole thing

  2. thats perfectly fine, dont worry about it

  3. Goldfish are mainly herbivorous and will tear up a planted tank in days.  It's not at all odd that they'd pick at the Hygro, and they will continue to do so until it is entirely gone.  If you want to keep it, do so in a different tank.  Very few plants are Goldfish-friendly, like Onion Plants, Java Moss, Java Fern, Anubias, thicker Swords, Hornwort, and floating plants like Duckweed, Water Sprite, or Azolla.

    EDIT: If they "overeat", they'll just digest it faster, therefor less effectively.  No need to worry about it harming them, but I definitely wouldn't count on it being good for the plant to stay in the tank.

  4. fishes like to eat live plants... plus goldfishes will eat anything. lol live plants are benefitial for them to eat anyways.

  5. goldfish and other fish nibble on most plants. fish also eat the algae, which grows on plants.Eating the plant (unless its poisonous) is healthy and normal, it's just part of the fish diet.

  6. your goldfish will eat the plant and destroy your plant. you may want to try a more hardy plant such as java fern. when l use to have goldfish they would not touch the java ferns but ate and destroyed everything else.

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