
Plant nutrients help?

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what is the function of manganese




  1. Biological role of manganese===

    Manganese is an essential trace nutrient in all forms of life.

    The classes of enzymes that have manganese cofactors are very broad and include such classes as oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases, lectins, and integrins.

    The reverse transcriptases of many retroviruses (though not lentiviruses such as HIV) contain manganese.

    The best known manganese-containing polypeptides may be arginase, the diphtheria toxin, and Mn-containing superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD).

    Mn-SOD is the type of SOD present in eukaryotic mitochondria, and also in most bacteria (this fact is in keeping with the bacterial-origin theory of mitochondria).

    The Mn-SOD enzyme is probably one of the most ancient, for nearly all organisms living in the presence of oxygen use it to deal with the toxic effects of superoxide, formed from the 1-electron reduction of dioxygen.

    Exceptions include a few kinds of bacteria such as Lactobacillus plantarum and related lactobacilli, which use a different non-enzymatic mechanism, involving manganese (Mn2+) ions complexed with polyphosphate directly for this task, indicating how this function possibly evolved in aerobic life.

    Manganese is also important in photosynthetic oxygen evolution in chloroplasts in plants, which are also evolutionarily of bacterial origin.

    The oxygen evolving complex (OEC), a water-oxidizing enzyme contained in chloroplast membrane, and which is involved in the terminal photooxidation of water during the light reactions of photosynthesis, has a metalloenzyme core containing four atoms of manganese[4] For this reason, most broad-spectrum plant fertilizers contain manganese.

    retrieved from wikipedia

    From = A Botanist

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