
Planting a garden & i don't want my dog to dig. is there something i can put down to prevent him from digging?

by  |  earlier

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dog is mostly an outside dog




  1. Put up a fence around the garden.

  2. There are two things I would do if I were you:

    1. Put up a fence that he cannot get over.

    2. I would give him a place that he CAN dig in.

    Rototille an area and bury yummy treats in it. If he does get into your garden say no firmly and take him over to the spot you do want him to dig in.  

  3. I agree with DeeDee08, if your dog like to dig give it a designated dig area where it is allowed. But also keep in mind a lot of dog start to dig when they are bored. it is a good indication. Keep your dog busy and well exercised and it will not dig so much.

  4. im sure there are several u can just ask a vet  

  5. Due to the latest advances in non-electronic technology there is now available a new device that could solve your problem.

    It is a radical development of an ancient implement used when men first started to domesticate animals and began farming.

    I believe that the generic name in this country is "fence".

    Check the internet for dealers near you.

  6. I know this sounds stupid but put his p**p there... 1. its good fertilzer and 2. He won't dig there any more. Thats what we do at my house and it stops her from digging! But you do have to put it down more than once... when the p**p is gone you will need to put more there.

  7. put a gate that the dog cant get in around the garden or build a gat for your  dog or train it not to of it digs in it whip it tell it no bad dog then putt him up for the day thats what i would do.

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