
Planting a rhodedendron

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Can anyone tell me when is the right time? It's in a 5 gallon pot , has finished flowering and has new leaves. Seems like the buds set really early and there's always something going on. I want to put it into the ground. They grow well here.




  1. A pot grown rhododendron may be planted at any time,when the ground is workable;i.e not muddy,frozen or baked dry.

    Water well,take carefully out of the pot,tease out some of the roots gently so ensuring they grow into the soil,not remain in the original root ball.

    Dig out a planting hole of adequate size,loosening the soill at the base and sides.Work in ericaceous compost and back fill,treading the soil in firmly,without compacting it.

    Keep the soil moist until the plant is established,use sequestered iron in solution if any signs of distress occur.As rhodendrons do well in your area,there should be no problem!

  2. The right time to plant a rhododendron in a pot is when the soil is able to be worked...plants should get in the ground and out of their pots as soon as possible.

    Make sure to dig yourself a nice hole and fill with matter enriched with peat and rotted compost. Watch carefull that you do not cover the soil surface. Rhododendrons do not like being planted too deeply. But DO put a layer of bark over to keep the roots cool and shaded, and besides, over time it will add to decomposing rich matter and acidity, which Rhododendrons thrive on.

    Water your newly planted Rhododendron faithfully. Rhododendrons that dry out are extremely susceptible to pests which will destroy the appearance of the plant, such as root weevil. Water in the very early morning. Early morning watering allows the plant to drink in sustenance after a night of rest from the stressful heat of the day, and then it will dry slowly but steadily, instead of linging all night and encouraging damp-inspired disease.  

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