
Plants can convert solar energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis can we not replicate that reaction

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And create some sort of Bio-Solar Panel?




  1. bit weird this q..because if you plant a tree seed..isn't that what you get...but if you manufacture something it takes energy to make it so you lose

  2. Humans absorb most of our energy from sunlight and by breathing.  Only a small amount of what our body cannot produce on its own must be eaten.  Plants need water are nutrient rich soil as well.. so we aren't really that different.  Sorry no photosynthesis LOL

  3. The reason is beacause photosynthesis is not very affective. It is posible to recreate but more reasearch is needed to make something like a Bio-solar panel.

  4. The series of reactions in photosynthesis is extremely complex - it does not work like the equation CO2+H20 = sugar.

    The best bet is to let nature do the hard stuff and plant seeds then burn the vegetation produced - Hey! We do this anyway!


  5. Its a really good question and there is a lot of research going on to replicate photosynthesis.

    I expect a Nobel Prize for whoever cracks it.

    sunlight + H20= Fuel

  6. Plants and trees are one of the major factors   that is needed on this Planet. But the way and speed that these are disappearing, off this Planet sends a message to us all, You are destroying the Earth. !! There must be some substance and truth with this question, but the answer eludes myself, and many others.All I do know is that if they intend to build over two million more houses in this tiny Island, well the Plant life will disappear ,and we will get the fury of our folly.

  7. It must be possible, sounds more complex than silicon wafers, but im sure someone has and is working on it.

  8. I think for one, photosynthesis requires a lot of water to work.

  9. Compare the size of your panel to all the green plant leaves in the world. The plants do an excellent job of recycling our O2 . It also recycles the C that the plants capture in the photosynthesis  ,int5o there levees. Much of the suns energy is captured in the plants leaves. They wash down the rivers to the delta where it will form into oil,gas and after a tome coal. The earth has been recycling this for millions of years. That is where our present supply of fossil fuels came from.

  10. yes, there are several groups studying and developing organic dye photo-voltics eg

    The tend not to be as efficient as semi-conductor pv, but they could be very cheap to mass produce

  11. I think the other answer misunderstood you, you mean like making a panel, not the human body doing it - right? I also think this sound like a good idea, however how would you tap into the energy source.

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