
Plants or Pills?

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Plants are natural wonders of the medical world (although they are battling against some of the exsisting toxic sludge)

Was it a coincidence that they were put on this planet at the same time as us?

Is it a coincidence that many diseases started appearing at the same time as many drugs and toxic chemicals in production?

Why are people so loyal to pills? If they used that loyalty towards healthier lifestyle options they wouldn't need pills.




  1. So true. Healthy lifestyle first, herbs and other plant remedies when healthy lifestyle just isn't enough and the body needs some help. Pills only as a last resort.

  2. I completley agree with you herbs and plants are a much better option however we cant forget the lifesaving qualities of 'pill' medicine either.

  3. Plants are more powerful and safer than pills. But we have lost the knowledge how to use them. You can find a doctor to prescribe you drugs with no effort. But to find a trough herb healer you need to search and search, or fly somewhere to Indonesia...

    More and more people are becoming alternative healers now. But they are new, and not experienced. Many times they will send you back to the regular doctor, or use hers only as a complimentary treatment for regular pills.

    How pity for us!

  4. Most herbs aground and dried and put into capsule form for longer shelf life and ease of digestion.  Some the medicinal properties are extracted and concentrated to induce into the body.

       Fresh herbs in many cases are potent and best.  but in many other cases it is better to dry, grind and concentrate to ship across the world for availability to all of us.

       Often two or three are mixed to give us the maximum healing powers.

  5. Herbal Plants

  6. I'm going with plants.  Pills are killing people.

    Most medications originated as naturally occurring substances, but they had to be chemically synthesized so a patent could be obtained.

    How much money would Bayer make if everyone switched to willow bark extract? (The original source of aspirin.)

    Is it really easier to swallow an antibiotic capsule, which will weaken your immune system and alter your intestinal flora, than it is to eat some garlic, and a few spoonfuls of honey? (Not at the same time!)
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