
Plasma or LCD TV?

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I've been saving money for my favorite TV. I plan to get at least a 50", but I do not know if I should get the plasma or LCD one. Would you please explain the advantages and disadvantages of each, and your recommendation of the brand...Sony (i'm a loyal Sony customer), Panasonic, or Samsung? Thank you so much.




  1. Unfortunately, there is no one single answer to this question.

    LCD enthusiasts will tell you an LCD flat-screen television is better, and Plasma users will tell you Plasma displays are better. Your own decision is mainly going to based on the television size you want, where in your home it will be used, and, of course, your budget. To help you figure out which type of television is best for you, we'll discuss both technologies in terms of how it works, and also compare common features between standard consumer-level LCD and Plasma televisions in the 32 to 50 inch range.

    How Plasma Technology Works:

    Plasma TV's create a picture from a gas (plasma) filled with xenon and neon atoms and millions of electrically charged atoms and electrons, that collide when you turn the power on. The collision increases the energy level in the plasma and the neon and xenon release photons of light (similar to the way neon lights work).

    How LCD Technology Works:

    Short for liquid crystal display, LCD is a type of display that uses two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. An electric current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align so that light cannot pass through them. Each crystal, therefore, is like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking the light.

    One of the biggest problems facing consumers shopping for either an LCD or Plasma television is old information. Because these technologies change so often and get better with each new model released by a manufacturer, some issues concerning LCD televisions from even a year ago aren't much of an issue today — and the same holds true for Plasma displays. For example, a year ago you could expect to see a full 15 degree difference in the viewing angles between LCD and Plasma displays. Today, Samsung offers a 178 degree viewing angle on many of its Plasma displays, and up to 175 degrees on its LCDs of similar sizes.

    The Big Misconceptions

    One of the biggest misconceptions with plasma displays surrounds their lifespan.  Many people confuse the LTHB (Life to Half Brightness) with half-life span and assume that a plasma with a 60,000 hours lifespan will only last 30,000 hours until the brightness starts to fade. This is a misconception. Panasonic, for example, is trying to get this notion out of consumer's heads. The 60,000 hour rating is to LTHB not the entire lifespan of the plasma display. This year Panasonic's top of the line plasma displays are rated at 100,000 hours before reaching half brightness. Its important to understand the difference between "Life to Half Brightness" and "half lifespan". When purchasing a plasma display, be wary of retailers that say a plasma display is good only for a couple years and offer to sell you an expensive warranty upgrade to replace your plasma in the next four to five years.

    Another hotly debated statistic is the contrast ratio, which is the difference between the brightest white and darkest black parts of an image. The higher the contrast ratio, the better and more realistic the image. Some displays may offer specifications of 20,000:1 and higher. Basically this means that the black level is 20,000 times darker than the white. The problem is that number is realistic only so long as the set is being viewed in a perfectly blackened room. Add so much as the light emitting from a single burning candle and you would not notice a difference between this extreme contrast ratio and a contrast ratio of around 500:1. Additionally, groups who caution consumers against paying more for higher contrast ratios say that at any given time the human eye can see only around 800:1 in contrast detection.

    Which has The Advantage?

    For the most part, if you're looking round the 50-inch and under size, the latest LCD and plasma displays will both provide an excellent picture quality. In larger sizes, plasma will have the advantage. LCD has the edge in smaller sizes. In viewing quality, plasma has an advantage when displaying blacks, but the nature of plasma makes it better for viewing in environments where you can control the lighting. LCDs offer anti-glare and will produce a better visual quality in brighter rooms. The latest generation of LCDs have all but removed the "viewing angle" issue. However, some less-known and cheaper brands of LCD displays will not have as good of a viewing angle. For a long time LCDs were the winner when it came to resolution (pixels per screen size). Plasma, however, is closing the gap in the 50-inch display range.

    For most people, it's going to be your budget that guides your purchase. Decide on a budget then choose your size and directly compare manufacturer's technical specifications for the different LCD and plasma displays that fall within your budget and display size requirements, and consider where in the home your new television will be used (e.g., brightly lit room, corner, wall-mounted and so on).

    I chose a 50" Pioneer Plasma.  I am an avid film fan and love the way Pioneer reproduces black levels.  The Pioneer hooked up to a blu-ray player is by far the best picture I have ever seen on a television.

  2. Well, your biggest disadvantage with a plasma is that they have a relatively short lifespan. Plasma tvs are a mixture of gases behind the screen that form the picture but over the course of time (even 2-3 years) these gases can burn and cause ghost images of previously viewed images. This is why plasma tvs cost more than LCDs at first but have since dropped in price, simply the quality isn't as good especially if you are a gamer. LCD tvs are a liquid crystal display, basically if the tv burns out it is simple to replace the bulb and get your picture back. LCD is the way to go. It may cost a little more but you get what you pay for.

  3. If you want great sound you should get panasonic. Sony is better. i personally like more LCD tv's because they are easier to handle. and you can connect more stuff easily.
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