
Plasma tv with up converting dvd surround sound..., Tech guys and gals, I need your advice!?

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Okay, I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic Viera 42" plasma tv in the next couple of weeks. I have noticed that all the newer surround sound units now come with the up converting and HDMI ports for better picture quality. Right now I have a 32" LCD, an older DVD surround sound and (3 years old) and an Xbox 360 Elite. Now I think the Xbox might be capable of playing dvd's at a better quality right? The 32" LCD is 720 while the plasma I am looking at will be 1080. I guess my question is, will the picture quality be any good with the 42" Panasonic Viera PZ80U and the new un converting surround sound until I can get a blu ray player or is there another reasonable combo I should be looking into. So all you tech guys and gals out there, feel free to lay your knowledge on me!





  1. You need a HD drive for the 360 to play HD-DVD movies (which you wouldnt want to do, since Blu-Ray won the format war).

  2. When looking at your Home Theater In a Box (HTIB) system.  Make sure the receiver and upconvert player aren't in one unit.  Look for one that has a receiver and player separate, or one that only comes with a receiver will work as well.  Many HTIB set-ups have absolutely no connectivity, meaning only the DVDs you put in can you experience in true surround sound.  It may be worth investing in a component system.  Something mid-range like a Harmon Kardon receiver, to go with that you could get Klipsch Quintet III speakers, just add a good sub and the sound quality will blow you away.  If not, just make sure there is enough inputs on the HTIB you get.

  3. Wow nice sounds really nice

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