
Plastic Problem?

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How do we dispose of Plastic?

Why recycle it?

Why can't we burn plastic?

What is the story with landfill sites?




  1. If you burn it, you release bad fumes and chemicals into the atmosphere.

    If its sent to land fills, it takes many thousand years to break down, so eventually there will be nowhere to bury it.

    So it's important to do as much recycling as possible.

  2. yea dont burn it ull destroy the ozone and we need that S**t

  3. omg what is wrong with you?! lol you should recycle instead of throwing away plastic. you recycle to help preserve the environment and slow global warming. burning plastic puts all kinds of toxic fumes in the air. i'm sure you dont want to breathe that in. landfills are bad for the environment dude. they stink they take up space and they contaminate ground water supplies. RECYCLE!!!!!!!

  4. 1)dispose of it in the blue box or recycling container

    2)why because it has been processed once and it is less expensive to reprocess it into another plastic container

    3)burning it releases toxic fumes into the atmosphere

    4)landfill sites are meant for organic material that will eventually break down into the soil plastics will never break down

    4)no problem hope this helps

  5. The fumes from burning plastic are basically toxic and horrible!

    You can recycle it, most people throw them into a bin then landfills.

  6. Great answers, everyone!

    Burning plastic creates toxic fumes.

    Plastic can take hundreds of years to start breaking down in a landfill.

    Every day in the US about 60 million plastic water bottles go into landfills.  This doesn't even include juice and soda bottles.  That takes up a lot of landfill space...

    At my recycling center, plastics #1 and #2 are collected and recycled into carpet.  Carpet made with recycled plastics contains fewer harmful chemicals (you know how that "new carpet" smell can make you sick?).
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