
Plastic surgery??????

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plastic surgery?????

before anything else PLEASE TELL ME NOT TO im already decided and this is pat of my final research

i am a spanish... with a very little hint of filipino..

dad 1/8 filipino and 7/8 spaniard... mom 100% spaniard

what i want to know :

is there any procedure that i can get to get rid of my asian features,

my reason:

-i am always mistaken as an adopted child

-i feel bad when they look and roll their eyes between me and my parents

-although i have blonde hair and green eyes, they ask me if i use contacts and bleach my hair

dont tell me no to i really need your help...

i really dont know why i got these asian since dad is only 1/8

i repeat you are stupid if you say don do it! hahaha i've said it three times so it would be clear!! thanks




  1. Who cares what people think or say or mistake you for??

    WHO CARES? obviously you. & that's a shame.

    Most people would kill to have a little ethnicity to their look instead of just white.

    I really don't know what kind of procedure there are for this other than kind of what Micheal Jackson did..

  2. you can get eyelid surgery to give you a double if you dont have one and ...thats about it. i say you save the plastic surgery money and invest in some self acceptance..... you know im talking about the shroomies! your asian roots are apart of who you are you shouldnt be ashamed of it.

  3. I bet you look hot with the asian look, green eyes and blonde hair, d**n. But anyways, I bet there is a way, I mean they ahve surgery for every other freaken thing on the human body. Just make an appointment with a surgeon and see if its possible and ask if its worth doing, if there will be much of a difference, if you will look worse than before etc. Just get as much out of teh surgeon as possible including if there is health hazards (its possible.)

    Take Care, Alex

  4. Last week my cousin got plastic surgery and she's really happy with the results. Where I live a there are certain plastic surgeons that are better than others. I'd consult plastic surgeons in your area and see what sort of success they have had with past clients. http://www.plasticcosmeticsurgerycenter.... A local cosmetic surgeon should be able to answer your questions.

  5. Who the h**l cares? people mistake me for mexican and I'm a native american, I don't give a d**n. be proud of who you are. besides, asians are flipping cool.

  6. dont change ur features just because people are a******s, they r ur real parents, and just because u dont look like them doesnt mean ur adopted.....

  7. Which features are Asian? Your eyes? Nose?  

  8. well, you could use very light make up (so that it doesnt look like you have any on at all) to highlight your features that are not asian-y (???)

  9. wtf?

    as if being asian is something to be ashamed of.

    you're an idiot if you think this is a good idea.

    even if it is possible to get this kind of surgery, what if you don't like the results? then you're stuck with what - an entirely different face?

    not to mention, you will be a joke if you do that. people who knew you before the surgery will find you bizarre looking, even if the results look alright, because it is so dramatically different.
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