
Platform Children/Toddler Shoes

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Does anyone know where I can purchase platform shoes in children's/toddler's sizes, i.e. sizes 10.5, 11, 11.5? I have been searching eBay and Google for months, but all I can find are the pink leopard print, blue snakeskin print, and silver platform sandals that coordinate with halloween costumes. I'm looking for some black or dark brown platform shoes or boots for my 5 yr old daughter.




  1. Please don't. In my 18 years running a day care I saw many children trip and fall because they were wearing this kind of shoe. They are a real hazard! There are plenty of age appropriate shoes that offer some support and are flat.

  2. this

  3. Given that youngsters aren't terribly coordinated and fall...a lot... would a large soled shoe be a good idea, safety wise? Both mine are boys, so I haven't faced this specifically...but knowing them.

  4. are you a r****d? platform shoes do not belong on a toddler or young child. Let her be a child. Get her a pair of stable flat soled shoes that will let the muscles in her legs and feet develop proper.

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