
Platos Republic page number??????

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I need to know what page numbers this quote is from.

"Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue." ( Plato)

Anyone?? Would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Do some research== it will come easy== the dog ate a my books on Plato, sorry====

  2. To find that out, you will simply have to look in books unless the book has an index.  There are literally hundreds of different publishers doing Plato's work and each of of the books will have a different pagination.

  3. Sorry, this is sort of a negative answer all around.

    For you: it's not a Plato quote. It's a made up quote that people attribute to Plato.

    He does talk about education and music (well poetry with some light music in the background) as being important to the proper upbringing of a child but he never lays it out in anything like the quote you have there.

    If you're interested you can check out pretty much all of Book III of the Republic. I'll put the link at the bottom.

    For the other people who answered: you can quote page references even though we all have different versions.

    Plato's works were definitively collected in the 1500's by a guy who goes by the name Stephanus. His collection was some complete and groundbreaking that we still use his page numbers today to make reference to Plato.

    In your book you should have (unless it's a cheap Barnes and Noble pocket edition or the like) little numbers off to the side that represent those pages and lines. So I can quote 412a and get you to Plato talking about the right balance of gymnastics and music educations no matter what printing of the book you have.

  4. There are a lot of different editions and I don't even have any English one. Can't help. I'm sorry.

    Look on a e-book.

  5. If you can find an electronic version of Plato's Republic available online, you can scan through it via search window for that exact quote.

    If I had to GUESS I would say between 70 and 130 (maybe 95?)

    Good luck

  6. Read it and find out.

    It's not that long, and worth the effort.

    All versions will have different page numbers,

    so we can't help you.

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