
Platy pregnant behavior?

by  |  earlier

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So I dont like using breeding nets, i find them to be a little small, and feel that would be stressful on the fish, instead i put the pregnant platy in 10 gallon, when they reach 4 weeks from their last delivery date. I also have a small little tank that i have 5 fry that are a month old, and thats where the fry will go when momma pops. So 1 of my questions is, right now i have 1 prego blue platy in the 10g thats been in there for a week now, and the other day i put in another prego red wag, the blue platy is a little aggressive to her, chasing her around the tank (looks like she's being territorial, is this normal, and why is she doing this? They where fine in the other tank w/the other fish. When the fry are born do they swim up top/below, i've got good ground coverage for the fry to hide, but should i put some floating plants as well so they can hide up top? Is this a good set-up at all, or should i try to keep the females apart while in this tank? maybe using a divider. Also i've got a female black mollie and not sure how to tell if she's pregnant, can't see a gravid spot. the only male in the tank is a sunburst platy can he pregnant the mollie?




  1. well, seems like you really really care about your fish

    the 10 gallon is perfect

    and yes, i would add some floating plants, which will cut down on aggression, as well as help your fry to survive

    and no, mollies can't get pregnant from platies

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