
Play chess with a rating?

by Guest62630  |  earlier

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Play chess with a rating?




  1. Not quite sure what your question is....but your rating is the value that represents how strong of a player you are. In my opinion: 1000 - 1499 range from beginner to okay, 1500 - 1799 are good players. Then from 1800 - 1999 are strong players and then between 2000 and 2399 are really strong players, I think most fide and International masters are in this category, but It can probably change from country to country. And then 2400+ you find your best players, from the 2600+ you will normally find your Grand Masters. Anand has the highest human rating of 2803. These ratings are based on the fide rating system. If you use a chess server like, your rating on the server and your fide rating are bound to differ. The top players on the server for example have ratings well over 3000. To change your rating, you have to play rated games of course. Hope my answer was helpful.

  2. Eat pie with a fork?

    Um, yes.  Don't know what you mean.

  3. If you want to become a rated Chess player, you need to join the U.S. Chess Federation (USCF).

    There may be a USCF affiliated club in your area where you can play rated games. Contact the USCF and they'll be able to tell you if there are any.

    Here's a link for the USCF:

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