
Play groups?

by Guest56243  |  earlier

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i took my 9 month old to a new play group yesterday, i felt so uncomfortable as none of the other parents spoke to me, i tried to introduce myself and my daughter to them but no one seemed intrested as i wasnt in there groups of friends!

can anyone suggest what i can do, as the way im feelng just now i dont think i want to take my daughter back there!

2hours of feeling really uncomfortable was horrible




  1. I joined my local "moms" club and felt the same way. some women were friendly but it never went any further and I always felt like I was at a cocktail party having to make small-talk. It reminded me a lot of high school with the cliques and "circles" that couldn't be broken.  I finally dropped out after a year or two and just went on with my life. I'm not in desperate need of female company and find the conversations to be mind-numbing, so I'd rather hang out with my kids and if I see someone I know at the park, then I'll chat, but other than that, I just waited until they got to preschool and Kindergarten where the parents you meet are really important.

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