
Play sand for sand pit???

by Guest67002  |  earlier

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I've got sand pit for my 3 yrs old wee girl and I'm looking for good quality sand for it - any suggestions?




  1. Argos

    Early learning centre


  2. The Early Learning centre sell play sand

  3. We just buy builders sand and re wet it when it dries out, they wear old clothes as it might stain but I've found non staining sand stains anyway and it's twice the price. Lift the sandbox up onto bricks or similar to stop earwigs invading it.

  4. Try Home Depot... they should have different grades of sand that you can pick from. Keep in mind you should change it pretty regularly (it gets gross when it rains and stuff), so there's really no need to go super expensive.

  5. when we were kids and grandpa built us a sand box, he just went to a hardware store and bought bags of sand.  The key is to cover the sand box when it's not in use so that animals (cats) don't use it for a toilet.

  6. Got ours from Toys R Us

  7. Go to Home Depot or Lowe's (or any other home improvement store) They sell them in big bags, similar to the bags cement come in. Ask someone at the store for help, I'm sure they'll know exactly what you need.


  9. Early learning have play sand, but make sure you have a cover for it, cats love to p**p in sand!

  10. take your truck to the beach and what do you know plenty of sand for you

  11. home depot sell sand for around $3 for a 50 lb. bag, or you can get the nicer stuff from toys r' us for around $5 for a 50 pound bag.

  12. Call a quarry - they might be able to help.

    You might try places like "Toy R Us"  (kid's toy stores) or places that sell fish

  13. Toys 'r' Us, Early Learning or supermarkets - I have seen it in Tesco.

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