
Play sand in 29 gallon tank???How long do I have to wait for it to clear?

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I have several (Green spotted puffer fish) I just bought from a pet store.How long do I have to wait for sand to settle.The jack a$%# I bought the fish from, said (oh just put them in a regular tank) with any kind of fish.Anyway.. I learned the hard way. Can someone please help.I spent over $100 on fish.And a total of 379.00 on this project.Thanks for anyone who will offer there expertese.




  1. well I hope you didnt just throw the sand in and add water. play sand needs to be rinsed over and over and over again. Get a clean 5 gallon bucket, take it outside, put some play sand in the bottom and take a garden hose and spray into the bucket with high water pressure. the water will get all brown and dirty looking. stop, pour water out of bucket(leaving sand in) and repeat the process until the water you are pouring out of the bucket is almost clear.  With most types of sand, usually after 24 hours the tank will look clear again once all the sand has settled.    I dont know if "several" puffer fish will be a good idea in a 29g tank, but best of luck to you.

  2. You should not use play sand in an aquarium unless it's been very well rinsed.  Play sand contains a lot of clay and dirt.  You probably need to get the fish in a bucket of new water, drain off the water out of the tank, get the sand out (wet dry vac), clean the tank, rinse the sand, and start over.

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