
Play spaces for a small kindy room at a child care centre..?

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I have to set up play spaces in a Kindy room at a child care centre. The room is pretty small. The spaces need to stay set up for 3 days. I am setting up home corner with a kitchen and dining room already. The room has 3 small tables always set up and the activities on them are changed after each meal time, as they use these tables for morning and afternoon tea and lunch. I just need some simple




  1. Mark making table, playdough, water and sand, construction, shape and picture jigsaws, treasure baskets, dressing up, small world play, pasta sorting, etc: hope this is useful.

  2. I don't know what kind of materials you have, but you might have a music/dance space.  The children in my room love ours we have a lot of different kinds of music: classical to kids bop or whatever its called.  Also you might try a block area, many children like to build and it helps them learn a lot of skills,  if you make suggestions and get involved you'll see some really elaborate structures being built.  I hope this helps.

  3. transportation

    quiet corner with beanbag chair and books

    sensory table

    science area

  4. Well, I can't really be of much help since I'm unable to visualize the room :-)  But the following are the "centers/play spaces/areas" that I look for in a PreK room.  

    Dramatic play---BEYOND home area but that's better than nothing :-)  This can also be incorporated with prop boxes

    Block area-rotation of wooden blocks, foam blocks, etc.  Usually the large group area as well.


    Art- open ended art area...shelf with various writing utensils, various types of glue, collage materials, scissors, paper, art project supplies

    Sensory- water/sand table

    Writing Area- I see many people place the writing/art together because of space ...unfortunately I don't see the emphasis on writing that way.


    Science area.


    Guess you need to decide what is most important for your classroom.  Consider what you can do to incorporate some of those "centers" by using moveable/temporary containers.  Like a back pack full of "science exploration" that they can take to a table.  Or a writing caddy that has paper/writing utensils.  Or a "art bag" (though this does NOT lend to open-ended art projects).  Good luck!

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