
PlayStation Vita News Roundup – Part 2: Cross-platform adds value

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The second part of the round-up Fergal Gara highlights the fact that the Vita can link up with the PlayStation 3 and will play a key role in both console’s future.
The Vita has now hit stores in all the major regions around the world but that has not stopped a number of Sony executives from hyping the portable gaming console.
Fergal Gara, the Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK, touted the cross-platform gaming capability of the PlayStation Vita as that something new that would expand on the existing console experience.
“The market needs something fresh and new. I think the market is ready for it (Vita) – the UK market in particular where console penetration is extremely high.”
He continued to explain how the move would only strengthen the brand image that Sony has been hard at work repairing after the cyber attacks compromised user data on their servers.
“And I think it’s very important for the PlayStation brand, because the story we’re not really hammering hard at this early stage, in order to keep it fairly simple, is the whole cross-play story – something which is powerful today, and will become more and more so as the developers get to grips with its possibilities.”
The Sony executive summed everything up in almost sales pitch-esque fashion when he said, “It’s what I call a better-together story. The PlayStation 3 and PS Vita are each other’s best accessories.”
The consumer electronics giant released a list a few weeks ago of games that could be played on both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita platforms but would only require a single purchase on either of the two consoles.
That means that if gamers were to purchase a copy of MotorStorm RC or WipEout 2048 on the Vita, they could download it on the PS3 as well without any extra cost and vice versa.
One can expect a number of cross-platform titles to hit the Vita in the near future but in the mean time there are a fair amount of quality titles to keep one busy till the developers can fully get to grips with how to harness the Vita’s potential.



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