Kaz Hirai has revealed that the Vita has sold 1.8-million units up until the 31st of March but needs better software i.e. games, if it wishes to achieve the 10-million units target this year.
Newly appointed Sony President, Kaz Hirai, who was previously the head of Sony computer entertainment division, has gone on record stating that he is pleased with how the Vita has sold so far, but at the same acknowledges that the company has to continue
to support the console if they wish to achieve the targets they have set for it.
He began by highlighting the sales figures of the Vita up until the 31st March, "The last year, 1.8 million units for US, Japan, Asia and Europe [were sold].” Before explaining that for him personally, it was a “good start” for the console.
Yet Hirai acknowledges that although the hardware is pretty solid, the lack of software is something that the company needs to address. He said, "For a game platform, like Vita, the software is the key to success -- how good the software is, that is the
key to business success. We have to reinforce the software area in order to improve the business, that is the basic line.”
Hirai also pointed out that the lack of explosive sales of the Vita has not deterred anyone from the plan they had set out with for the console and that the motivation levels were still high.
The Sony President went back to the topic of software soon after and acknowledged that first-party titles alone were not enough to and that third-party studio titles would also be brought into the mix.
"Software and services must be strengthened. In other words, the collaborative approach is very important, so is third-party. And from first-party studios, the titles will be presented one after the other, so please look at them and give your evaluation
based on them."
A lot depends on what games Sony release for the PlayStation Vita as many analysts believe that the Vita will not see an increase in sales unless a title along the lines of a God of War or Metal Gear Solid title comes into play.