Reports on the internet are suggesting the much hyped next generation of handheld portable gaming consoles from Sony, the PlayStation Vita, will have a few restrictions which gamers may not take too well to.
The first restriction is that the Vita will apparently restrict users to one PlayStation Network account on the console. While it could not be more self explanatory a little elaboration will not hurt anyone. Basically, unlike the PlayStation 3 where multiple PSN accounts could be used, the Vita will only allow one member of the family to sign in and play.
Sony also confirmed that, “if you (the Vita user) want to use a different account, you need to format the system to factory settings.” That of course means wiping out all the data saved on the Vita.
The feature will look to eliminate some of the second hand tactics that gamers tend to use when the same PSN account is used to download content onto other consoles as well. So it is more a security precaution than cruelty to fans.
Whether or not this will be significant enough to deter consumers from buying a Vita is debateable, however despite the fact that it is only a minor drawback, it is a drawback nonetheless.
The second feature, or lack thereof, that may concern fans, though not as much as the first restriction mentioned above, is the fact that gamers will not be able to browse the web while running the game in the background.
What that means is that users will not be able to tweet about their achievements in the game as they earn them, as some gamers are more than just a little eager to share every exploit of theirs in the game.
This also means that gamers cannot flip between an online game guide and the game itself, so the lazy demographic of gamers may find this a bigger negative than the rest of the crowd.
The Vita is also set to have a PS button much like the PlayStation 3 which will bring up a XMB (Cross Media Bar), though just like the PS3 only one major ‘task’ can be performed.
It is not too big of a letdown and will not deter too many gaming enthusiasts but the feature would have been a great addition for the console which was promised could do almost everything.
On the other hand the launch day line up is sure to attract a large number of consumers with titles such as WipEout 2048 and Uncharted: Golden Abyss both available from day one.
The Vita is set to release later on this month in Japan and next year in Europe and other territories.