
Playboy tattoos x? pics!?

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Any1 have any pics of playboy tattoos or know any websites were thers loads of them plz xxxx




  1. why get something that's as common as muck. go get a portrait of a loved one. it will be unique to only you and you will get far more compliments on it.

  2. I def agree, dont get anything trashy as a playboy bunny tattooed on ur body. ? what ever happend to people getting tattoos with meaning not because they think it will look "hot" or jus on a frekkin wim!!!

  3. you're going to look like trash NOW and when you are older.

    keep it classy.

    playboy=not classy.

  4. why would u want a playboy bunny? its just gonna insinuate that you sleep around.

  5. Oh please, DON'T. Do you really wana be a wrinkly 70 year old with a tacky playboy bunny on your body?


  6. I know you don't want negative replies but tough - it's such a bad idea it's laughable! It will make you look cheap (as well as unoriginal) and once you are over 25 it will just look ridiculous.

    Oh, and if you haven't the intelligence to look up "Playboy Bunny" on Google or other search engine then you really shouldn't be allowed to permanently mark your body with anything, ever!

  7. There are a ton of great resources can get some ideas / options from various sites and then just print it out and take it to your are a few sites that have some pretty amazing designs:


  8. Everyone who answered to this should just lay off, i know how you feel with the whole negativity ****. I got my first tattoo when i was 14, but it means the world to me. I personally wouldn't get a playboy bunny, but hey, if you want it, go for it. just get it somewhere where you can easily cover it up, and don't get a huge one. & as for pictures.. theyre really is only one playboy bunny, it's not that hard, just pick the color & spot. lol

  9. Isn't it funny how things like google work?

    I'm not sure why anyone would get a playboy bunny unless they are one.  I haven't seen any girl with a playboy bunny tattoo that I thought "hey, she's totally hot and should be in playboy."

  10. I'm getting one no matter what you say????? How old are you???????

    I have tats. Everyone tells a story of

    my life. DA that is the main purpose of

    getting a tattoo. A life changing happening should be  why you get a tat.Playboy tats ???????? Yea p**n

    really looks good. A woman does not think like this.  

  11. tacky

    your gonna regret that in 10 years.

  12. I think holly madison, hugh hefner's main girlfriend has a playboy ta too on her lower back.

    not sure if thats her or not though !  

  13. just ew.  

  14. I'm afraid I agree with most people on here about the choice of tattoo. If you wanted a picture then you'd have Googled one quite simply, but instead you wanted the attention. Well you have it now.

    Why not whilst you get it done, get another huge corporation logo permantly advertising on your body. I think Asda Wallmart would look quite nice, right next to Starbucks. It's no different really. I congratulate Playboy for making their logo such a popular one and in the process making huge amounts of money. Not to mention the company ethics.

    Don't forget though, when you use an image that has been Copyrighted, you must get permission usually at great cost, from the company who designed it. If not, you could face being sued. Especially if you don't look like the sort of person they want to have their advertising on.

    If you do decide to go ahead, at least give it more time to think about it, or why not go for a temporay 5 year one. That way if you change your mind it doesn't matter, but if you like it after five years you just get it redone.

  15. PLEASE think about it a bit more!  playboy has decreased in popularity over the last 2 years and is rapidly continuing to disappear into oblivion!

    i really wanted one 3/4 years ago but didn't because work opportunities that where possible in my near future, and thank god i didn't!

    playboy was everywhere back then (this is based on UK) now you'd be lucky to find playboy stuff in the back pages of a catalog!

    it is seriously loosing it's appeal, but if you want it go ahead, i'll find you some great pics that your tattooist will be able to turn into great tattoo designs, but it's a company logo at the end of the day, you wouldn't get the McDonald's logo tattooed on you would you? - same thing!

  16. ewwww. trashy AND tacky.

    haha i saw some ugly *** girl the other day with a playboy bunny on her neck.

    girls who wear playboy ****/tattoo that **** on em are jus wannabes.

    get a star, a cross, SOMETHING CUTE!!

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