
Players leaving from Pitts sending a message to other free agents?

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The Penguins had a really good season, especially for being a young inexperienced team going to the Cup finals. Even though they did well, we all know a couple of their players are looking to explore free agency. Do you think this is sending a negative message to free agents?




  1. Not to me. Tells me the players are normal players. Hey we made the finals so we want our payday. This is actually pretty common. They have their chance now, why let teams see what they are like with another year. This year they are remembered as getting to the Finals. It's a great contract year for them.

  2. I don't think it bodes well for the Pen's coach.  You made it to the SCF but you [players] already want to go elsewhere? I read that many didn't like playing for the coach.

    Yes, it's all about $$ for most people. C'mon if somebody gave me 5x what I make I'd be outta here!  Hockey is a job just like anyting else.

    I don't think it gives a negative message to FA's at all.

  3. I agree. it sounds to me that there are still problems in the organization, whether it be ego's among the players or problems with the coaching staff. How does a group like that decide all of a sudden it was fun making it to the finals, now it's time to leave because I can get more money. Some players take pay cuts to join a winning team/organization. Theses guys don't care, for them it's all about the money. It will hurt Pitt, however, the guys that leave, most of them will not enjoy the success they had this year in Pitt.

  4. It sends a negative message to the fan that yes that the players are yes about money

    These player made a total commitment to the game, either it be by spending time in the AHL or going over to Europe this is what they were going to do for livelihood.

    I don't like Hossas situation compared to Malones

    Hossa has claimed to be all about winning but come July when he signs with a Turkey its hard to watch a good player pack it in so young.

    Malone is going to be overpaid and he knows it but its the "big one in his career and like I said this isn't just about money it's about life and the choice you make when you decide that hockey is my career.

    Good for Malone even though he will be a monumental bust but shame on Hossa for fooling us all on that he was a true gamer

  5. How....?

  6. Part of the reason that it is so hard to compete year after year at the top level is free agency.  The last team to win back to back cups was Detroit in the 1990s, before that it was the Penguins in 1991 and 92.  

    The salary cap, and player's greed for money will always keep teams rotating players to find the best fit.

    Tampa won a cup in 2004, and Stillman and Khabibulin were gone right afterwards.  Did that send the worng message (not to Stillman anyway as he won the next cup available with Carolina).

    After their 2006 run, Weight, Recchi, and A. Ward all signed elsewhere rather than stay in Carolina.

    It says a lot about Ilitch, Devallano, Holland, and Babcock that your don't have players flocking to other teams when their contracts are up.

    In Pittsburgh, this is just par for the course, players want to get what they think they are wporth because everybody in Pittsburgh knows that Fleury, Malkin, and Staal (and Hossa) are the players that Mario and Ray are currently keying on.

  7. I am a huge Pens fans.  But i dont really blame the players for testing the market to see what they are worth.  The only message i think they are sending is that Therrien is an a*****e and most players dont like to play for him under his weird dumpNchase scheme.

    Hopefully Shero can figure it out and save the day for us again!

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