
Players of yesterday Vs Todays players?

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How do you think the players of the 30s through the 50s would fare against the players of today

like A player of today that could Beat Eddie Taylor


A player from that time that could beat Reyes

make up your own matches




  1. I really don't know what the pool scene was like back in the day. I could easily see it being rougher and tougher though, which would probably give an intangible edge to the old timers. There were lots of good stories in Banking with the Beard that I don't see a lot of today's players being able to deal with all that well. But I'm sure there are still a few road players today who could handle it.

    But if it's just pure pool, that's a tough call. If you can shoot, you can shoot. But I've heard Mosconi's record was done on an 8 ft table with big pockets. It's still an amazing run and I'm not trying to decrease the significance of it, but I just want to give it some context.

  2. Hey Johnny , how ya doin? Too bad we will never know the real answer to your question. The equipment of today is so advanced as compared to the old days , not just the tables but the cues , the balls , the tips, even the chalk is so much better , at least that's the way i understand it to be. I have a tendancy to believe though, that if you took the top 10 players from the early days , all in their prime , and teamed them up against the top 10 from today, using todays equipment and playing todays game of 9 ball that the players of yesteryear would win , hands down. Don't get me wrong , there are a lot of great players out there today but compared to what the guys back in the day had to deal with, todays players may be a little bit pampered or spoiled, if ya know what i mean. I know that pool is pool but those guys back then were playing straight pool , a lot of times under the worst possible conditions ( compared to today ). They couldn't snap off a couple a nine ball breaks and run a few easy racks to get the money, they had to work hard and call all the shots to bring home the bacon. Of course i've never been a pro pool player so i may be way off base here but it's just my opinion , whatever it's worth. Take care Johnny and don't let your meatloaf man. C ya.

  3. The less complicated a pool player can make his or her game ---the better.

    That being said:  I think the top players from the 1930's and on up, would fare extremely well against most of today's' players........perhaps even better.  

    The top players of yesteryear, would have a tougher battle amongst their own group than they would vs. today's' top players.


  4. I my book, no one beats Minnesota Fats. ;)

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