I took my 2 year old son to playgroup today and he loved it. He would start in September 2008 but he isnt 3 til January 2009, which (I think) means that he isn't funded until May 2009. Problem is it costs £7.50 per 2.5 hour session, he would go to 2 times a week, which is £15 per week until May, and that's 8/9 months of paying which we cant afford. My husband is on a low income, therefore we get Housing benefit to help towards our rent, Child and Working tax credit and Child Benefit.
Even with this help we wouldnt be able to afford it. I just wondered if there is anything we can do to get any help with money towards playgroup/nursery before he is 3? The playgroup said if he doesnt start in September he cant go! (and its by far the best in the area)