
Playin tennis?

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im a freshman and im on the tennis team, and whenver i play against someone and they hit the ball really hard to me i can never hit the ball back to them?? i dk why some girls are skinny like me and they hit the ball back with no problem im 5ft.7 115lbs am i not big enough to hit the ball back or what?? (im a girl by the way)




  1. It doesn't matter if your a boy or girl, big or small. Practice, practice and more practice. You probably need to work on getting your forehand and backhand positions . Just make sure your grip on either positions are correct and FOLLOW through on either form. Also have your feet ready, being flat footed won't let you get to the ball in time. If you need more advice ask me.

  2. hi, i play on my tennis team too.

    don't get dicouraged, they have probably just been playing longer than you and know more ground stroke techniques.

    it has nothing to do with size. i play with a girl who is 12, about 4' 4" or 5" and she can blow most of the high school girls off the court.

    try asking your parents if you can take a few private lessons to get extra help and improve your strokes.

    with tennis you can only get better with time so practice practice practice!

    -for more spin on you ground shots, hold you racket so that the face of it tilts down slightly but not too much. the hit into the ball as if you were lightly brushing the top of it.

    -for your backhand make sure that your left hand(assuming that you are righthanded) is firm on the racket, and tilt the head of you racket downbefore following through, with the same brushing motion

    good luck

  3. you  can do etheir 2 things. one you can use more topspin to hit the ball back. or you can hold your racket out and let the ball bounce of your racket. i prefer to put topsin on the hard hit ball. ive been playing tennis for 5 years now and this is what i do. good luck!

  4. footwork, footwork, footwork!  You absolutely must get your feet set if you want to return balls. Have a little bounce when you are out there too, it helps move your feet.

  5. do you mean you cannot return the ball over the net or you just cannot reach the ball?

    if you cannot return the ball over the net: learn topspin. brush the ball with your stringbed slightly upward, aiming about 3 to 4 ft above the net. the spin will bring the ball downward. combine the brushing action with your forward swing and you will see your racquet moving like a wiper in front of you. watch more videos about topspins in you tube and practice with your coach or friends.

    if you cannot reach the fast ball then you need some physical training. jogging will help and also practice moving quickly on the court. place one ball at 1 ft inside every corner of your court, one ball at each corner of the serve box, and one ball at 1 ft from the center of the net so the total is 7 balls on your court. stand at the center of the baseline. ask your coach or friend to time your movement with a stopwatch. run from your position to every ball, starting with the ball on your left corner. when you reach the ball, take it and bring it to the center of the baseline. then run to the next ball and repeat until every ball is collected. check your time. take some rest and repeat for faster movement and shorter time. practice this until you reach your optimum speed and maintain.

    hope this helps :)

  6. Size has nothing to do with how good your defensive skills are.  To return an offensive shot (fast and hard), it takes timing, and hand-eye coordination.  You aren't used to those speeds yet.  As you get better, those balls will seem to slow down, because your eyes will catch up to them.  Next time someone hits a hard ball try not to flinch, focus, and try to either block the ball back, or shorten your swing (abbreviate it) to return it with its own force (like a wall).  As you get better, you'll also anticipate those shots better and get there faster to return them.  Working on your conditioning (running) will help.  Good luck, and hang in there!

  7. They could be putting a spin on it, therefore becoming extremely hard to get it back without popping it up. This is usually a sneaky tactic that i had to learn - try to get under the ball and flick your wrist. All that power that they put into the ball will not be thrown on you.

    Practice by hitting by yourself or lifting weights. oh, and your practice your spin!! :)
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