
Playing agressive with dog?

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when I play with my dog (german shepherd) a first we play fine but then he start being aggressive and I also become Little aggressive after we finish playing a feel guilty but when I come back hes so happy to see me and its almost like he likes playing aggressive




  1. You can use this opportunity to "show" your dog the appropriate play techniques.  If the dog becomes too aggressive, give a yelp and then turn away from the dog.  This is what other dogs in his litter would have taught him as a puppyt.  If it continues, get the dog onto the ground, laying on his side in a submissive position will also send the message that his behavior is not tolerated.

  2. my dog does that. he's a 9month old bull boxer ( 1/2 english bulldog and 1/2  boxer) we play that way, it starts out fine and we both start to get aggressive. and when harley (that's his name) get real rough i will say time out. yes he knows what time out is and he backs off. if he really hurts me and i yell in pain he will run off and want come back to me till i call him.and everything is ok. i watch a boy who is 9 and harley plays w/ him but he knows he's a child and doesn't get rough. and there's nothing to feel guilty about y'all both are playing that way and he your dog hurt u, u need to make him stop and let him know he's getting to rough.  

  3. Never, ever play aggressively with a dog, especially one that may want to be higher in the pack order than you.  You will end up with one that challenges everything - may growl, snap, even bite.  Bad idea all around.

  4. I do the same exact thing the thing to do is just to stop and take a break for a few minutes and let you and you dog simmer don for a while and the everything should be Okay don't worry in the end he will still love you

  5. Take breaks in-between the play sessions before it gets out of hand.  The break can encompass obedience cues, stays or even tricks to get him to settle down.  This is a great way to teach self control to a dog.

    If my dogs get too worked up in play and push the limits, I mark it with a "Too Bad" said in a cheery voice and I walk away in the house.  Lesson learned: put your teeth on me and I'm gone.  The very last thing the dog wants to happen.  I find they learn this one pretty quick!

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