
Playing and buying irsh flute?

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this may sound like a stupid question but i play the western concert flute does this mean i could play an irish flute. if not would it be easy for me to learn? also where is the best place on the internet to get an irish flute?




  1. I am almost positive you mean an Irish penny whistle. It is very easy to play especially since you can play a western flute,although they are played differently the penny whistle is easier. Try goggling Feadog they are a very long standing manufacturer of penny whistles and have many different styles. They are fairly cheap 7 to 20 dollars. The Irish penny whistle is traditionally in the key of D.

  2. The Irish flute is a penny whistle with a flute mouthpiece. The low D whistle is in the same key as an orchestral flute.

    Some makers will do a low whistle with a flute mouthpiece as well as a whistle mouthpiece. Tony Dixon is my maker of choice in the UK.

  3. First of all I love your name as it is mine but in Irish.

    Second of all I play a concert flute as well and the tin or penny whistle. The tin whistle is like playing a recorder but without the thumb hole. You can get a tin whistle on

    I hoped I helped!

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