
Playing baseball with guys older than you in a league.?

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Ok im a softmore and play baseball at my one of the best players on the jv and i was invited to play in a 18 and younger team for my school.its mainly for varsity players and softmores looking to go up to varsity.its with other school in our division.i was wondering if anyone had tips on how to adjust to playing with guy older and bigger than not very big btw...




  1. I've always found that playing with older and better guys, no matter the sport, makes you better.  Use the opportunity to see how they do things, pick their brains and observe.  Just by being there could elevate your game.  

  2. Try not to think beating them rather than learning from them.

    Plus if you do beat them somehow, you might find where you strength is. I don't know which position you are playing. Just for example, maybe you are not as strong so your pitches is not as heavy or fast, but you might have a good control and you might find your curveball is your outpitch.

    If you play players with the same as your level all the time, you might find a groove to the same and beating them all the time. Play with better players, you need to find a way to win. That is a very good development for your game.

  3. You have to remember...the game has not changed. At each level you go to, the speed and quality will, but the game will NEVER change. Always remember your fundamentals and stay within your capabilities. When my son played hockey, he always wanted to play 1 or 2 levels above his age, just to get better. When he did play at his age level, it showed. My advice to him was 'no matter whether you are in a game or practice, give it all you have and show you are having fun, someone may be watching you and take notice.' You were invited...take advantage...ask the coach what he expects from you. It will show maturity beyond your years and that you care. Good luck!!!

  4. Well really there a no exact tips on how to play with players older than you.  The only thing you really can do is just be prepared for players that have more experience than you.  This is good for you in the long run.  The main tip is to have fun and play your best.  If anything, pick up the playing styles of the older guys. i.e. Like learn the situations and what to do all the different situations you can get into at your position.  As a batter be  prepared for more speed and breaking stuff.  Overall have fun and play hard, and you'll be fine, maybe even better.  Just think of this as a learning experience so you can get smarter as a baseball player.

  5. Treat it as a life lesson.

    Stay humble and always focused. Playing up will dramatically increase your skill set and get you accustomed to the speed and intensity of the game with better players.

    To be good, you have to compete....good luck.

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