
Playing loud music with snake in the room?

by Guest57560  |  earlier

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If i'm cranking music, with a snake in a tank across the room will it really affect their ears? I am thinking the answer is YES. But I wan't to know what you guys think.





  1. Um?  Did you research snakes at all before you got one?

    They do NOT hear.  However, their world is perceived through vibration and scent.

    So, no - he can't hear the bass, but he can feel it.  Yes, it affects him.

    It's unkind to crank up the bass and make his home vibrate.

    If you can't blare your music in another room, and a headset won't work for you, then I would suggest at the very least that you pad his tank from the vibrations with a heavy blanket draped over it.

    I have a teen daughter.  I have seen otherwise nice snakes turn into un-handlable and biting problems, due to this.

    I gave MY daughter an abused and rehabbed ball python which began to get snippy for this reason.  I repossessed the snake for a bit, until she curbed her teen friends, and could assure me the snake's needs came first.

    Pretzel is again fine with my child, and my child has grown up a bit, and put the snake first.

    It shows promise that you asked... but, in the asking - you really already knew.  We will not santify that for you.

    It can't leave the room.  Please be considerate of your pet.

    Don't blare the stereo in its room.  That is the only place it has.

    Good luck, and I hope this has been helpful.

  2. It really depends on the individual animal.  My daughter and I have 2 leopard geckos.  One of them needs to be kept in a quiet room or he freaks out..the other one is my daughter's room.  She is 13 and LOVES to crank her music up.  The gecko couldn't care less.  Every animal has a different tolerance for noise.  What I would do is put the music on and slowly turn it up and see how your snake reacts.  If he starts to freak out, then you know how much he can handle.

  3. Snakes do not have ears, so you can't affect them.  They do sense vibration, but loud music will not really affect them.  They use vibration along with heat and smell to locate prey.  

  4. well i don't really know if the vibrations effect a snake but i do the thing where you crank it slowly and see if they freak out with my lizards who don't care at all

  5. Yes.

  6. I have a turtle in a tank in my room and i listen to loud music.But not to loud cause i do take concern for my pet.Since his tank is near the speakers lol

    If you feel vibration on glass,tables,water,or in you from the music.Thats...WAY to loud.

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