
Playing more than one high school sport in the same season?

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Like at my school, they have soccer and track in the same season, if i make the team, for both track and soccer , and there game schedules interfere, what do i do???




  1. if you make the team for both you are gonna have to quit

    the schedules will definetly interfere, including practices

    it would be nearly impossible to pull it off and from what i did for soccer, it is everyday right after school

    choose your favorite and go ahead in it

    luckily, if the seasons are different, you can play 3-4 different sports each year depending on the school

  2. It is possible to do two sports in the same season.  My daughter actually does three that overlap (gymnastics, cheer and track).  It's tough, but so far it's worked out.

    Before you try out for both sports, here's a couple things you should do first:

    1) Get the practice and game/meet schedules for both sports, and compare them.  If there are a ton of conflicts, you may have to choose one or the other.  But if there are only a few conflicts, it may be possible to do both.  You and your coaches will just have to decide which events are more important and which ones are okay to miss.

    2) Talk to the coaches of both sports beforehand and see how they feel about it.  Show them the schedules and let them see exactly which dates will have conflicts.  Some coaches will be willing to work with you (and each other), letting you miss a practice or game here or there.  But some coaches can be jerks about it.  If the coach isn't willing to compromise, talk to your school's athletic director.  He may be able to pull some strings to make it work for you.

    Keep in mind that coaches can feel pretty possessive of their athletes.  You're on their team, and they expect you to be there... especially if you're a good athlete and your absense would hurt the team's chance of winning.  They don't like to share their athletes with another sport.  On the other hand, most schools want their students to be well rounded and have the chance to participate in as many activities as possible.  Which is why it can be helpful to have the athletic director, councelor or principal step in and help if you run into trouble with a stubborn coach.

    Good luck!

  3. You gotta think with in yourself which sport you have the most fun at and can take you farther in life such as colledge. Your bound to choose one day so choose now.

  4. You have to choose, I had this problem too. You have to choose which is more important to you and then go to that game, but if you will miss more than 30% of the games for one team then you just need to stay with one sport, because if you don't show up to the other teams games, more than likely when you do show up they will not let you play and may even kick you off the team...

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