
Playing outside?

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Do you know anybody that doesn't let their kid's play outside? If so or if not how long do they play outside and when?

My 7 year old son plays outside at school and on the weekends my 4 year old hardly does play outside except for weekends




  1. You have asked this question 3 times, are you simply looking for validation as to not allowing your children to play outside?

    To be honest, it really doesn't matter where they play as long as they get some physical activity during the day. Personally, on nice days, I ship my guys out to play but where I live I feel comfortable enough to allow this.

  2. My daycare kids and my own child playoutside on a daily basis (weather permitting) Even the school age kids play outside as soon as they get off the bus.

    They get their exercise and when they do come inside for arts and crafts, snack or storytime, they are less fidgety.

  3. My son is outside about 5 hours each day...from about after lunch until dinner...he is 3.  I think it's good to let them run around outside...he sleeps real well and eats real well...and I think it's because he is so active during the day.

  4. Why does your 4 year old only play outside on the weekends? And why is the only time your 7 year old plays outside during the week at school? Think back when you where a child and ask yourself if you enjoyed playing outside and how often you did play outside this should answer your own question.
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