
Playing "wrong" handed?

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So just thought I'd break up the who do you think is the hottest and what not questions. The "beer" leauge that I fallow once played a whole game where the switched up sticks and positions (besides the goalie) becuase they were beating the other team so bad that it was a joke, Even with running time the game was like 11-0 in the beginning of the second. SO my question is, have you ever played a game with the wrong handed stick, or played a diffrent postion, to work on your skills or what not. I've practiced this way, but never played. We've played games where we were beating teams pretty bad were the coach would install the 4 pass rule before a shot could be made, how about that one? Have you done that?




  1. Yea i play on a team and we've done that before... we've did even worse than that though... one time we were beating this team so bad that we actually did the flying V from mighty ducks : ) it was so funny, we didn't score though :(. during the same game we ordered pizza to the bench and ate it during the game TRUE STory

  2. Sidney Crosby is the hottest player in the NHL and the hottest Y!A user is jay k, bcuz his avatar is leik, soo0oo00o hawt!!11!1!!

    Wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, wrong handed sticks and letting a team down easy. I've never seen that happen. Where I'm from: when a team is down like that, you beat them down some more, lol, no "going easy with opposite sticks" stuff xD

  3. I remember breaking my fave stick at the time (Easton UL shaft with Titan "Selanne" blade) and since I was filling in on that team that game they didn't know which stick on the bench was my back-up. I ended up with a lefty Koho Revolution of an Asian lady who was 5'2 in skates (I shoot right handed and am almost 6') - got a breakaway and didn't get much on the shot, but the goalie was in such disbelief that it went past him at 10 mph.

    And yes if a game is already decided I will usually switch wings or maybe even play defence, though I prefer to play centre or goalie.

    Here's an idea : next time you're up by a lot of goals and killing a penalty, have the penalty killers use the shaft of their stick and pads to block/deflect shots. Most players only think of doing so with their stick blades.

  4. Yeah in my playing days, I was skating down the wing and loaded up a slapshot and broke my stick. While still on my shift I just skated over to the other teams bench and grabbed the stick out of the hands of a buddy of mine who was on the bench for them, the d**n thing turned out to be left handed (I'm a righty) and in frustration of getting the wrong handed stick and I slammed it and broke that as well. I ended up owing him like a hundred dollars and never would hear the end of how I was such and idiot for grabbing the wrong guys stick.

  5. One time my team was up by so much that our coach told us to stop shooting and just pass the puck around.

  6. Yes I have. I have asked to try a lefty stick to see if I could. I can, not as much power as my normal right shot. But If I break a stick anyone can hand me a stick and I will be fine. I tend to be ambidextrous anyway.

    Mikey. I know a novel concept actually talking about hockey and not this other stupid c**p

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