
Playing rules?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if it is against the rules to yell "mine" when the ball is on the other side of the net. the reason for yelling would be to distract the other team. this is during a high school game. thank you.




  1. no cuz i do it

  2. i do not think there is an exact rule telling you that you can not do this, but it would be very unsportsmanship like. if you kept doing it the referee would probably give you a warning not to do it anymore and then a yellow card. i would not suggest doing this because it is rude and disruptive and you should respect the game enough not to want to do this

  3. I suggest that you shouldn't do it, because, for one, it doesn't show sportsmanship. I mean, I think your team would be upset if someone from the other team all of a sudden yelled something just to distract you. So therefore, you shouldn't do it, in order to show respect for the other team, and so that respect would be returned to your team.

    Secondly, when it comes to official rules, I think it is against the rules if the referee hears you.

  4. yeah....the ref will definitely call it....and you could be taken out of the game and lose a point.

    plus....if your coach is really strict then you probably won't have too much playing time for the rest of the season....

    but if another team does it to you and they get away with it then why not!?  : )

  5. i dont know if there is an exact rule but the ref will most certainly tell you to stop or give you a yellow card. Please dont do this. its classless and makes you look tacky.

  6. well actually, i dont know if this is right but its called talking across the net. i wouldnt reccomed it. but i do call out when its in on their side.: ]

  7. It is absolutely unsportsmanlike conduct. it is also Busch-league too. If I see someone doing that during a match or pickup game even, it tells me that their brainless and really can't rely on their own ability.

    I would never want to play with or against that player and most volleyball players wouldn't want to either. Play the game right or don't play at all.

  8. well if you must distract the other team in order to get a point, then thats pretty pathetic and lame.

  9. It is definitely unsportsmanlike conduct.  The color card you get depends on how successful you are in distracting the other team.  If they do not notice, I will give you a yellow card warning.  (Unless it is club-I will just give a verbal warning.)  If the other team hears you and lets the ball drop, I will give you a red card and give the team a point and the ball back.  If you did it again, I would let you have the rest of the game to think about trying it again.  One more time and you would be out for the rest of the match.  If you are in college, you would be out for the rest of that match PLUS all of the next match.  NCAA has strict rules about unsportsmanlike conduct.

    And the above answer says that if the other team does it, why not?   The other team might do it and get away with it.  It might just wake up the referee and you get caught.
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