
Playing scrabble - what word contains X and Z?!?

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  1. This site might help you... not many choices for X and Z though...

  2. Well... Zax is a type of hatchet....

  3. words that start with x and z are:

    xanthareel  yellow eel formerly used in medicinal foods  

    xanthic  yellow; yellowish  

    xanthippe  ill-tempered woman  

    xanthocarpous  having yellow fruit  

    xanthochroia  yellowness of the skin  

    xanthochroic  having yellow skin  

    xanthocomic  yellow-haired  

    xanthocyanopsy  form of colour-blindness in which only blue and yellow can be distinguished  

    xanthoderm  yellow-skinned person  

    xanthodont  one with yellow teeth  

    xanthoma  disease characterized by yellow patches on the skin  

    xanthometer  instrument for measuring colour of sea or lake water  

    xanthophyll  substance causing yellow colour of autumn leaves  

    xanthopsia  a visual condition where things appear yellow  

    xanthospermous  having yellow seeds  

    xanthous  yellow or red-haired  

    xebec  small three-masted pirate ship  

    xeme  fork-tailed gull  

    xenagogue  guide; someone who conducts strangers  

    xenial  of or concerning hospitality towards guests  

    xenium  gift made to a guest or ambassador; any compulsory gift  

    xenobiotic  indicating a substance or item foreign to the body  

    xenocracy  government by a body of foreigners  

    xenodiagnosis  diagnosis of disease by allowing laboratory-bred diseases to affect material  

    xenodocheionology  love of hotels  

    xenodochial  hospitable; kindly to strangers  

    xenodochium  building for the reception of strangers  

    xenogamy  cross-fertilization  

    xenogeneic  of a disease, derived from an individual of a different species  

    xenogenesis  generation of offspring entirely unlike the parent  

    xenogenous  due to an outside cause  

    xenoglossia  person's knowledge of a language never studied  

    xenolalia  person's knowledge of a language never studied  

    xenolith  fragment of extraneous rock embedded in magma or another rock  

    xenomancy  divination using strangers  

    xenomania  inordinate attachment to foreign things  

    xenomenia  menstruation from abnormal orifices  

    xenomorphic  having a form not its own  

    xenophilia  love of foreigners  

    xenophobia  fear of foreigners  

    xenops  a small tropical rainforest bird  

    xenurine  species of armadillo  

    xeransis  drying up  

    xerarch  growing in dry places  

    xerasia  abnormal dryness of the hair  

    xeric  dry; lacking in moisture  

    xerocopy  photocopy  

    xerodermia  abnormal dryness of the skin  

    xerography  photocopying  

    xerophagy  eating of dry food; fast of dry food in the week preceding Easter  

    xerophily  adaptation to very dry conditions  

    xerophobous  unable to survive drought  

    xerophthalmia  dryness and soreness of the eyes  

    xerophytic  able to withstand drought  

    xeroradiography  process for taking permanent pictures of X-ray images  

    xerosis  abnormal dryness of body parts  

    xerostomia  excessive dryness of the mouth  

    xerothermic  dry and hot  

    xerotic  dry  

    xerotripsis  dry friction  

    xesturgy  process of polishing  

    xilinous  of, like or pertaining to cotton  

    xiphias  swordfish  

    xiphoid  sword-shaped  

    xiphopagus  conjoined twins joined by a band of flesh on the torso  

    xiphophyllous  having sword-shaped leaves  

    xiphosuran  horseshoe crab  

    xoanon  primitive wooden statue overlaid with ivory and gold  

    xography  photographic process for producing three-dimensional images  

    xu  former monetary unit of Vietnam  

    xylan  gelatinous compound found in wood  

    xylary  of, like or pertaining to xylem  

    xylem  woody portion of a plant  

    xylocarp  hard and woody fruit  

    xylogenous  growing on wood  

    xyloglyphy  wood-carving  

    xylography  art of engraving on wood  

    xyloid  woody; ligneous  

    xylology  study of wood  

    xylomancy  divination by examining wood found in one's path  

    xylometer  instrument measuring specific gravity of wood  

    xylophagous  wood-eating  

    xylophilous  fond of wood; living in or on wood  

    xylophory  wood-carrying  

    xylopolist  one who sells wood  

    xylopyrography  engraving designs on wood with hot poker  

    xylorimba  combination of xylophone and marimba  

    xylotherapy  use of certain sorts of wood in treating disease  

    xylotomous  wood-cutting; wood-boring  

    xylotypographic  printed from wooden blocks  

    xystarch  ancient Greek officer in charge of gymnastic exercises  

    xyster  surgeon's instrument for scraping bones  

    xyston  short pike used by Greek heavy cavalry  

    xystus  covered walkway for exercises  

    Word  Definition  

    zabaglione  frothy custard  

    zabernism  misuse of military authority; bullying  

    zabra  small Spanish sailing vessel  

    zabuton  flat Japanese cushion for kneeling or sitting  

    zaffre  impure cobalt oxide  

    zaftig  having a full; rounded figure  

    zaitech  investment in financial markets by a company in order to boost profits  

    zakuska  hors d'oeuvre; snack  

    zalambdodont  having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges  

    zamacueca  Chilean dance where partners move around each other  

    zamarra  sheepskin jacket  

    zambomba  Spanish percussion instrument  

    zambra  Spanish dance  

    zampogna  Italian bagpipe  

    zampone  stuffed pigs' trotter sausage  

    zander  a variety of European perch  

    zanella  mixed twilled umbrella fabric  

    zanjero  supervisor of irrigation canals  

    zanyism  buffoonery  

    zanze  African musical instrument like castanets  

    zapata  flowing, drooping moustache  

    zapateado  Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet  

    zappy  lively; entertaining  

    zarf  ornamental holder for hot coffee cup  

    zari  Indian gold and silver brocade  

    zariba  square fence of thorn-bushes; fortified camp  

    zarzuela  traditional Spanish vaudeville show; fish and shellfish stew  

    zatch  female genitalia  

    zayat  Burmese public meeting-hall or house of worship  

    zazzy  flashy; stylish  

    zebrine  of, like or pertaining to zebras  

    zebrinny  offspring of male horse and female zebra  

    zebroid  like or resembling a zebra  

    zebrule  hybrid offspring of male zebra and female horse  

    zebu  ox with hump and dewlap  

    zedoary  aromatic root resembling ginger  

    zegedine  silver drinking-cup  

    zeitgeber  rhythmically occurring event that cues organisms' biological rhythms  

    zek  inmate of prison labour camp  

    zel  form of Oriental cymbal  

    zelator  sister in a convent in charge of checking on conduct of other nuns  

    zelatrix  older nun in charge of disciplining younger nuns  

    zelophobia  irrational or fear of jealousy  

    zelotic  of the nature of a zealot  

    zelotypia  jealousy; excessive zeal in carrying out a project  

    zeme  Caribbean idol or totem  

    zemindar  in colonial India, an indigenous revenue collector or landholder  

    zemirah  Hebrew religious song sung at Sabbath meals  

    zemni  blind mole-rat  

    zenana  system of segregating women away from men in harems  

    zendalet  large black woollen shawl worn over the head or shoulders  

    zendik  heretic; magician  

    zendo  hall for Zen Buddhist meditation  

    zenocentric  measured with reference to the planet Jupiter  

    zenography  study of the planet Jupiter  

    zenzic  square of a number  

    zenzizenzizenzic  eighth power of a number  

    zephyr  lightweight wool or worsted fabric; the west wind  

    zeppole  a variety of doughnut  

    zeroable  able to be omitted from a sentence without any loss of meaning  

    zeta  small room or closet in a church  

    zetetic  proceeding by inquiry; a search or investigation  

    zeugma  use of a word to modify two or more words in different ways  

    zeugmatography  imaging using nuclear magnetic resonance to study soft tissue  

    zeze  stringed instrument resembling a zither  

    zho  cross between a yak and a cow  

    ziamet  large ancient Turkish fiefdom  

    zibeline  soft piled wool  

    zibeline  of, like or pertaining to the sable  

    zibib  colourless alcoholic drink made from raisins  

    ziganka  Russian country dance  

    ziggurat  Mesopotamian step pyramid  

    zill  finger cymbals used in belly dancing  

    zimocca  bath-sponge  

    zincic  of, pertaining to or containing zinc  

    zinciferous  bearing zinc  

    zincography  process of engraving or etching on zinc  

    zineb  white powder used as fungicide  

    zingaro  gypsy  

    zingiber  ginger  

    zinke  old wind instrument resembling the cornet  

    zinkiferous  bearing zinc  

    zinnia  brightly coloured annual flower  

    zinnober  chrome green  

    ziraleet  expression of joy among Arab women  

    zirconic  of or pertaining to zirconium  

    zitella  young girl; maiden  

    zither  musical instrument with strings laid over horizontal board  

    ziti  pasta shaped like large macaroni  

    zizel  chipmunk  

    zizyphus  spiny fruit-bearing shrub  

    zizz  sparkle; vim  

    zoanthropy  delusion that one is an animal  

    zoarium  supporting structure for a polyp colony  

    zodiographer  one who writes about animals  

    zoetic  living; vital  

    zoetrope  slotted rotating cylinder producing primitive animation  

    zograscope  optical device for viewing stereoscopic images  

    zoiatrics  veterinary surgery  

    zoic  of, like or pertaining to animals; containing evidence of life  

    zoilism  carping and unjust criticism  

    zoism  doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle  

    zollverein  customs union  

    zolotnik  old Russian unit of weight equal to 1/6 of an ounce  

    zomotherapy  medical treatment using raw meat  

    zona  girdle or belt; patch or band  

    zonal  of or like a zone; arranged in zones  

    zonarious  of or pertaining to a girdle or purse  

    zonary  of or like a zone; arranged in zones  

    zonelet  a little zone  

    zonoid  like a zone  

    zonule  small zone  

    zonulet  a small belt or girdle  

    zonure  small South African lizard  

    zooarchaeology  study of animal remains of archaeological sites  

    zoocentric  centred on the animal world  

    zoocephalic  animal-headed  

    zoochemistry  chemistry of animals  

    zoochorous  of seeds or spores spread by animals  

    zoochory  spread of plant seeds or spores by animals  

    zooculture  domestication of animals  

    zoocytium  a hollow vessel  

    zoodikers  an exclamation  

    zoodynamics  dynamics of animal bodies  


  4. extravaganza



  5. I think what this person is trying to ask is what words contain both letters: X and Z

    There are many which contain one or the other, but not both.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's what is meant.

  6. zebra zipper x-ray xylophone

  7. zero zoo zipper box fox max maximum zoom maze haze lazy s**y (lol) zip pez laziness lazier laziest xylem daze dex zap zapped zapping zaps extreme axe ax ox cozy oxen

  8. ZAX, and its plural, ZAXES

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